
Fred Latimore, The Political Communicator Of Falsehood To The Nepotistic Governor Of Delta Has No Shame



Gov. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa

Shame plays an important role in political life or at least it is used to control our lives in many powerful ways. Though, its rules are not written, we expect people to follow their sense of shame as a moral compass.

When it comes to public figures such as Fred Latimore, society expects greater expectations and/ or moral standards. Should we worry, then, if political communicators become shameless like Fred latimore who has zero character, a blackmailer and a boothlicker who exposed himself sometime early this year when he threatened to quit PDP in his usual way of his game, all in a bid to extort and blackmail PDP political prey.

Records are there that he once accused Okowa-led administration of high level nepotism and evil machinations; which is very correct. He lambasted Fejiro Oliver who he claims was part of the special block in the circus of Okowa administration. After his usual rantings, he was settled and the rest is history.

Fred Latimore should tell Urhobo what his inclusion to the Okowa main circus had earned his people after his threats to Okowa? Fred is a “political nobody”.

Nepotism is the order of the day in OKOWA’S administration and PDP led government that has enslaved Deltans since 1999 till date. It is a shame that Okowa’s nepotism, corruption, social and political injustice is being coloured by Fred Latimore, thereby insulting the sensibilities of Deltans.

Nepotism and the practice of favoritism in hiring people based on kinship crept its way into Delta State since the coming of PDP led Government especially in Okowa’s administration.

Fred Latimore, hiring of immediate family and fillial relations by your principal is unfair and a misuse of authority. Your principal have tremendous power to make major changes in Delta State but If corrupt people like nepotistic Okowa hires other corrupt people like you Fred latimore, then the State faces the danger of extreme injustice and inequality.

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The nepotistic character of your principal is unethical, and has led to hiring people who are incompetent to perform an important task, like being a Senior Special Adviser to the Governor on “Girl Child Education”. Are you not worried that your nepotistic Okowa gave his incompetent daughter who knows little or nothing about the position entrusted to him?

Fred Latimore, a public official like your principal, “Governor OKowa” is not supposed to appoint, employ, promote, advance or advocate for appointment and employment of members of his immediate family in or to a public office in the Government in which he is serving or which he oversees.

Fred, the political communicator of falsehood, your principal nominated his younger brother to be the Commissioner for Sports, and his daughter, Senior Special Adviser on Girl Child Education with 400 million Naira allocation to her office which was later reduced to 300 million Naira, following public outcry.

According to media reports, Okowa responded to the situation by stating that he has no regrets for appointing his daughter as SSA “girl child education” even if she is inexperienced.

In case you and your principal don’t know the functions of the office, let me enlighten both of you. The Senior Special Adviser on Girl Child education advises the governor on same, presents specific educational policies for the good of the society.

Appointing your daughter as a Senior Special Adviser on Girl Child Education who is yet to begin a career in girl child education is exactly the issue nepotism brings. Representing the State and advising the governor is a crucial responsibility and someone who is inexperienced shouldn’t even be considered for the position.

Nepotism does not just stop at Governor OKOWA’S daughter, the Governor has appointed his daughter’s father in-law as chairman of Scholarship Board, and another of his younger brother, Chairman of Land Committee in Delta State

Being Governor means priority should be given to majority in the state, not his family members. Practising nepotism and giving important roles to individuals with minimal experience can result in poor work quality.

While it may seem like a small issue at hand, it’s crucial for a diverse group of people with political power, and not just friends and family members of those who are already in power. The only way to work towards equality for all Delta citizens is to place qualified, experienced, fair and diverse people into political roles.

We, as Deltans have the power to help do that, but those already in positions of authority need to abide by this standard or nothing will ever be fixed.

Godwin Obire writes from Agbarho Orohokpokpor


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