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Evil Persons Want To Destroy Papa Ayo, Word Of Life, Mama Helen Says In Alleged Leaked WhatsApp Message




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Good morning, Family.

I married your father 25 yrs ago. I gave my all without any reservations. I did not only love him, I adore him. I’m yet to see any woman who has the level of respect, submission and has made sacrifices as I have for my husband. I have loved your father and I continue to, no matter what.

Jesus Christ says in John 10:38
But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

Many people out there have approached me on the need to speak out, but I’m sorry, if in anyway I have disappointed you by not speaking out. I made a promise to God to do your father good and not evil for the rest of my life and that I intend to do. Pardon me for not defending myself.

A lot of lies is flying around about me that is very depressing. I leave the life that I preach. I’m too mature in Christ and too civilised for that barbaric acts painted. This is a plot to hang a dog through every means.

I came out to do this today, because it has become very necessary. I now fear for my life. Although, I have been in Warri for awhile now, I have only left home twice. My movements and phone are monitored. People are encouraged to dissociate and stay away from me. There is a heavy duty manipulation and lies to make me look bad with the hope that people I have laid my life for, since I joined this boat 25 yrs ago with all sincerity of purpose can now see me differently and also treat me differently to achieve their plans.

ALSO READ: FG Bans Cash Withdrawals From Public Accounts

There is a plot now to frame me financially and morally. Money is being offered to anyone who is willing to give me out by framing me by all means. I have my evidence. Bayo Adewoye that I once helped with my property in Lagos as collateral to do business amongst others is the brain behind this.

Since I have nobody, should anything happen to me, hold Bayo Adewoye and his gangs responsible 😭😭😭.

My only offence to Bayo and his gangs is that I stood my ground to prevent theft in Word of Life Bible Church and because I stopped Bayo for being the one to buy cloth material, choose tailor and the design to make my native dress all these years that i recently stopped is what I’m being accused of not being submissive enough. Or that I felt I needed to make money for me and my family since everything I established for the church is for the church and no kobo enters my hand or your fathers, knowing that we are not getting younger. The staged N13m being framed to buy an award that was actually used for business is another story.

To preach or be anything is seen as a competition to your father by these people. Their lie is that I’m beginning to outshine your father, which is a blatant lie and it’s very sad. How many preachers can stand where your father is? He is known all over the World. Highly celebrated and respected. He is a one time CAN President and PFN. He has had the opportunity to address the US Congress. He was once given a key to a city in the US. He was honoured by our country and state to mention, but a few. When did I start preaching outside? I have been here working my heart out until recently. Besides, your father’s honour is my honour and vice versa.

Gen 2: 23 And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.

The script of many yrs on how to blackmail me and push me out of my marriage is now being followed gradually. All because of their inordinate ambition and since I have refused to go, the plot now is to get rid of me by all means. Bayo being in charge of my husband’s life , up to his accounts and all is not enough. They want the church as well. Where is God In all these?

Mark 10:9
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

Is it Bayo Adewoye, who sees being with my husband has a life wire through all sorts of financial manipulations, including using your father’s name and letterhead to collect business in different organisations or Sam Akponviroro, who collected millions from Eagle flight Bank to the extend that CBN had to drop as one of the directors and the church had to pay, not to mention the ones he borrowed directly from the church that he is yet to pay till date, or is it Sam Dottie whose all children are trained through private University and the house he is leaving in is built by the church and yet not satisfied or Femi Adewoye who planted his brother because of what he stands to gain & Rolland Awani who charged the church 200m to interlock the church premises that I finally got someone to do at less down 9m are now the ones sitting in judgment and working had to end my marriage because they want more and I’m an obstacle. Or is it the person who is leaving a false life and who is now working very hard at the background to push me out simply because he is owing Eagle Flight Bank over 500m that he doesn’t want to pay and feels the only way he can avoid payment is for me to be kicked out of marriage.

Where is God in all these??

Your desire to take over the church by all means has blinded your judgment. You don’t love your father. Look at him lately. Look at what you have done to your father. Look at the church. Where is God in this? No amount of you coaching my husband against me will ever make me turn my back or betray my husband. I love him for life. Time will tell. The resolve of doing him good and not evil can never be altered. I’m going nowhere. That I’m not talking doesn’t make me a fool. It’s my duty has his wife to protect your father and the Church of Jesus Christ,

I again, want to use this opportunity to appeal to our children. Please don’t leave your father at this critical moment of his life. That’s what they want. I have been waiting on the Lord from January since they made sure Aransiola and his men never came for our usual prayer school in January to checkmate their evil devices. This is a direct attack on your father and the church. I’m just a decoy to their evilness. Please pray , if you’ve never prayed before.

Let me tender my unreserved apologies should anyone outside of these wicked people feel offended by my singular act today. Mummy Stella Oritsejafor is not alive to tell her story. I don’t want to end my life like hers.

Enough is Enough!!!!:-).

I’m still Mama Helen Oritsejafor.


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