
Rights Group Condemns Assassination Attempt On Legal Practitioner In Delta




By John Tega

The Centre for the Vulnerable and the Underprivileged (Centrep), has condemned the assassination attempt on Joseph Shesiri Sini, a private legal practitioner cum principal counsel in the law firm of J.S. Sini and Company along Udu Road, Ovwian, Delta State.

The group in a press release signed by Oghenejabor Ikimi, Esq., Executive Director, Centrep, said that “Sini while attempting to board his vehicle home after the day’s work on the 7th of May, 2019 was shot by unknown gunmen,” describing the act as pure evil.

According to Centrep, the victim while narrating is ordeal when he was visited in the hospital where he is presently recuperating, said that while he was attempting to board his vehicle home after the day’s work he was shot at a close range by two gunmen who had taken advantage of the dark to unleash mayhem on him.

The gunmen we gathered sped off the scene in a car, but luckily for the victim he was rescued by sympathizers to the hospital in the pool of his blood.

The press statement added: “We are not oblivious to the fact that Mr. Austin Icheghe, a former Ughelli NBA Chairman was murdered in Ughelli in similar fashion on the 16th day of April, 2015.

“Furthermore, we are also not oblivious of the worsening state of insecurity and cases of unresolved murder in our present day polity and in particular how on the 27th day of March, 2014, two private legal practitioners in the State, Mrs. Horace Egwonor Dafiagho and Samuel Ekuwaju were dastardly murdered in cold blood by unknown gunmen while on their way to the High Court, Ozoro, on the same day their clients were also ambushed and murdered along the Asaba/Kwale Expressway en-route High Court, Ozoro.

“It is in the light of the foregoing we use this medium to call on the Delta State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Adeleke Adeyinka to ensure that the culprits are apprehended and brought to book accordingly to serve as a deterrent to others in the unholy trade.”


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