
Abraka: I Was In Hell, Says Rachel, As Court Dissolves Her Marriage To Apostle Okache



Rachel: Black Gown- Before marriage (2017); White Top- After Marriage (2021); Black Trouser - During Marriage (2018-April 2021)

By Daniel Dafe, Abraka

Pastor (Mrs.) Rachel Okache has described her two-year marriage to Apostle Daniel Okache, Senior Pastor of Apostolic Power and Testimony International Ministry, Abraka, Delta State, as hell, saying that she regretted marrying Mr Daniel Ogar Okache and noted that she is now very excited having been set free from the bondage she was in.

It would be recalled that Rachel had approached the court, seeking for a divorce and on Monday, June 28, 2021, her plea was granted by His Lordship, Hon. Justice A.A Onojovwo at the Delta State High Court, Agbarho Judicial Division, who in his judgment dissolved the marriage between Apostle Daniel Ogar Okache and Rachel Okache.

Speaking to Oasis Magazine (OM), Rachel Okache said ”matters of dissolution of marriage is beyond the regular civil cases, adding: ”I wanted to liberate myself from the bondage of the unholy union.”

She continued: ”Although I invested so much in the marriage for it to be like every other enviable holy matrimony and also brought an action to recover same, but in the cause of the legal tussle, the lawyer to my estranged husband had a thrust with my lawyer and it was agreed that I should withdraw those claims in the area of damages and scandal.

”I was so much in a hurry to pick my life back hence I directed my lawyer to amend my petition and withdraw the areas relating to damages. It would interest you to know that upon the amendment of my petition he did not challenge my petition as the sole prayer was for the dissolution of the marriage.

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”Daniel Ogar Okache was asked to enter the witness box to counter all my allegations and evidence but he refused and that was how God gave me victory. The marriage was therefore dissolved solely on my evidence and because we have reached an understanding, I did not bother myself about his other activities initially stated in the petition.”

Continuing, she disclosed that she ”did not lead evidence on masturbation and adultery as they were abandoned,” saying ”I needed to have my peace, be set free from the bondage and captivity and concentrated only on the dissolution.”

Speaking further, she said before she got married, she was never diagnosed of High Blood pressure, and her body weight was 65/68, but when she got married, she became emaciated looking like dried cray fish and she started battling with High Blood pressure with over 160/115 and having a big pharmacy in the house because of the maltreatment, threat to life and domestic violence she suffered in his hands.

”Now, God has regained my body weight and I have gone back to 65 in weight. Since I left his house before the court even dissolved the marriage I can’t believe how the High Blood Pressure vanished and is now 120/80. I do not take drugs again and I am now living in good health with joy and God’s glory radiating over me. All thanks be to God Almighty.

”I am praying every day that he repents so he can stop misleading people because the end is vanity upon vanity and the reward is total destruction,” she said.

Meanwhile, Barr. Tayo Ibrahim, counsel to Apostle Okache, said ”the judgment has put an end to unfounded allegations between the couple and capable of prevention of brutal consequences of marriage, the couple, both of them are now at liberty to move on with their lives separately.”

He said that ”no amount of money was awarded against the Apostle as marriage was dissolved without monetary cost.”

According to him, ”the court held and decided that the marriage has broken down irretrievably and dissolved the marriage.”

Furthermore, he said the court held and decided that majority of the allegations against the Apostle were destroyed by his cross examination questions to Rachel.

On his part, reacting to the judgement, Barr Oghedegbe, counsel to Rachel Okache said: ‘’The court was right not to have dealt on the issues bordering on adultery and damages since before the commencement of the case, parties have directed their counsel to limit the scope of the petition to grounds capable of sustaining the dissolution of the marriage.

“The petitioner was also inching to jet out of the marriage without delay. We secured her instruction to amend the petition in that respect and did so accordingly and limited ourselves to those facts of the dissolution.”


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