
N200M Vehicles For Adamawa Trad’l Rulers: We’ll Longer Tolerate A Schemer As Gov, Umar Replies Kumangar




The reaction and counter-reaction over the two hundred million Naira worth of vehicles the Governor of Adamawa procured for five first-class traditional rulers in the state are dominating the public space of discuss especially in some social media platforms with observers analyzing the gesture.

The response of Mustapha Umar Madawaki to have said the vehicles are a misplaced priority considering the hundreds of pensioners on queue waiting for their pension got a quick reaction by Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri Media aide, Mr. Solomon Kumangar.

His comments attracted a reaction from Governor Fintiri’s Director-General on communication and media, Kumangar, and Justified the stand of the government that:
“For Governor Fintiri to purchase vehicles for First Class Traditional Rulers after 20 years since any Governor could make such kind gesture towards the first-class rulers in the state was a welcome idea that needs to be applauded not a self-serving gesture.

“This fellow, Umar Mustapha is speaking due to pains of defeat he faced during the 2019 contest, and we understand his frustration; it was Governor Fintiri that has approved 1.5 billion naira to pensioners since the advent of the state or has any pensioner run to him to cry out over not getting pension.

“Umar Mustapha and his cohorts are scared stiff of the “looming disgrace” awaiting them at the 2023 polls, forgetting that those sponsoring him will face an imminent and inevitable electoral defeat too, come 2023.”

In a counter-reaction to the above statement, Mustapha said that Adamawa has come of age where they will no longer tolerate schemers.

He said to let it be known to Solomon that Governor Fintiri knows without him (Umar), saying that he has lost the Dougirei House come 2023.

“I may and may not be his replacement, only God knows, people like him and his surrogates will never be trusted with public responsibility again. we want politicians with a mind of their own, who will unite our people and lay a foundation for the economic development off the state.” Said Umar

Mustapha continued to say that:
“But for some unsubstantiated allegations made by Mr. Kumangar, I wouldn’t have mixed words with a man whose thoughts are for the most part someone else’s ideas. He is the spokesperson of the Governor, therefore, no meaningful discourse is expected from a mind that is not independent.

“However, It takes great minds to lose elections and still stick to your people. Firstly elections are meant to be won and lost, your principal knows better, he lost in his local government, Madqgali, but for Governor Nyako who sandwiched and transferred the process to Yola to be conducted in Government House. To any logical mind, the rest is history.

“Secondly, I joined politics in 2018 and contested in 2019 and made away with almost 40,000 votes, comparatively that’s history too. Any politician who cannot absorb the shock or pain of losing an election has no business in politics. Politicians should concern themselves with good Governance, provision succor to the teaming populace, and not segmenting people, the institutionalization of hatred, sagregation, and clashing people for political gains.

“Kumangar accused me of lack of respect for the traditional institutions; that’s rather a folly, his principal upon assumption of office, treated the traditional Institution with disdain, denying them even their constitutional rights by reducing their meager allocation to the extent that the couldn’t pay salaries for over nine months.

“Published them in public and during functions. It is not a hidden secret, all and sundry knows. Therefore, showering them with official vehicles now is undoubtedly politically motivated. Firstly, because he has submitted a new list of Districts he wants to create, I am not against that logically, because it will usher in development, but due process was not followed. Stakeholders were not consulted and where such consultations took place, it was a mere “for your information”.

“Secondly, plans are also on way to appoint many new first-class chiefs, naturally borders will be adjusted and some existing Emirs will have to lose some of their territories to the newly intended ones, therefore, for the fear of being fought from behind, the government felt the need now more than any other time to not only seek reconciliation with the Emirs but hope to buy them over for some soft landing.

“Regarding the pensions, the state owes 20bn in pension, therefore, 1.6bn is less than 10% of the amount earmarked. More so, from the so-called 1.6bn, a long list of preferred beneficiaries was sent to the board to simply implement, those without “Godfathers” are still in penury.
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“Meanwhile, states like Borno, Yobe, Gombe have cleared all their pension areas, why not Adamawa. Despite the huge loans of over 170bn with practically nothing to show for.

“Am also sure he knows that the man to beat is still this little Umar Mustapha, how much of that he can swallow is left to posterity. I am not afraid of anybody, so far, two attempts have been made on my life yet, am still standing.

“I acknowledge being vulnerable but “death is certain where and when it will come is the only uncertainty about it”.

For Adamawa, I am ready to put my only life on the line provided life will be better for generations to come, and that the enemies of the people are not given undue privileges, that includes making sure Fintiri or anybody bearing that name seizes to be on the corridors of power for another century to come.

“I still stand by statement “N200m Jeeps for first-class traditional rulers is a political bribe and thus, a misplaced priority. Why didn’t he consult them an initially? Am sure none of them would have gone for Vehicular gifts.

“Aluta Continua.”


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