
‘Warn Yahoo Boys, ‘Bad Girls’ Are Coming!’



By Michael West

Danger is looming!
We are still praying and strategizing how to peacefully navigate the cloudy political atmosphere between now and next year but the onslaughts of Yahoo ritualists is swelling the rank of predators like Boko Haram, killer herdsmen, kidnappers, bandits and armed robbers. Yahoo ritualists are more dangerous because they live among us. They are well known. They are encouraged by the corrupt and socially disoriented society. They’re role models to some indigent, jobless and misdirected youths who crave for nothing but riches by any means humanly possible or forcefully attainable.

The dimension that Yahoo scammers and ritualists are going is sadly dangerous as compromised parents that are aiding and abetting the crime like the proverbial rider of a tiger, may end up in its belly. Parents of Yahoo boys are potential preys within the reach of their mindless sons. Previously in this column, January 29, 2021 edition precisely, I mentioned the case of mothers that were arrested for providing spiritual fortification and logistical support for their Yahoo sons. I remember a woman who had wished her six years old son had grown up to become a Yahoo boy, she promised to buy a laptop for him. Some parents, mothers in particular, were reported as sending their teenage boys and jobless school leavers on the streets to go and do what their mates are doing to get money including Yahoo. This kind of latitude could extend to robbery and pickpocketing. The most shameless aspect of the whole saga is the formation of the inglorious Mothers of Yahoo Boys Association (MOYABA).

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Tuesday, February 2, 2022, at about midday, a young woman called to express her opinion on the January 28, 2022 edition of this column: “Money Rituals: Yahoo Boys on the Prowl.” She spoke frankly with instances she witnessed while dating her former Yahoo boyfriend. She blamed the scourge on bad parenting, corrupt leadership, ostentatious lifestyle of the privileged class and lack of job opportunities – unemployment. I took interest in her call because she offered a revealing narrative about an impending clash between those she called “Bad girls” and the killer Yahoo boys. “Sir, I want to use your platform to reach the heartless Yahoo boys that ‘Bad girls’ are coming for them. They should get ready for a fight!” Since she wanted me to sound the alarm warning to Yahoo boys and their parents, the battle line, according to her, has been drawn. Read her:

“I read your article online last weekend. I also saw it on other social media platforms, that makes me to know that the article is well circulated.

“Sir, those Yahoo boys maybe in for a big trouble in no distant time from now. ‘Bad girls’ are coming steaming hot for a revenge! I’m not a member of the deadly ‘Bad girls’ gangsters but I have friends among them. I dated a Yahoo guy when his activities were limited to cyber space but I left him when I discovered that he decided to go fetish contrary to my advice. Some of his friends who had gone deeper into rituals lured him into it. It is not all rituals that involve physical death, the common ones are those that snatch women’s virtue, glory or destiny through sex. It takes only one round of sex to render a woman empty. Subsequent sexual encounters are mere fun. Most of them don’t even touch the ‘used’ women again. In your article, such women are described as ‘empty shells and walking shadows of their old selves. They may not amount to anything great or meaningful in life again.’ The unfortunate thing is that the girls don’t get meaningful things in return. They are fond of asking for material things iPhones, wears, makeup kits, shoes and bags, shawarma, pizza, weekend treats and money for upkeep etc. That’s the worth of their lives!

“As gruesome killings of young women by Yahoo boys continue, some girls have embarked on ‘spiritual power adventure’ to neutralise the diabolical powers of Yahoo boys and render their rituals useless. When Yahoo boys sleep with fortified ‘Bad girls’, every power in them (boys) will be destroyed; and if they make further attempt to sacrifice the girls for rituals, they will run mad. Parents of Yahoo boys will weep seriously because their sons will run mad in droves. ‘Bad girls’ are now returning from their ‘power hubs’ to unleash vengeance on the notorious Yahoo boys.

“A ‘Bad girl’ told me that the spiritual fortification costs a lot and it involves some strenuous rituals details of which I can’t divulge here, but it is worth the efforts. ‘Bad girls’, like other women, became disturbed and angry at the height of betrayal by the guys they loved. They wondered if it is a crime to relate and accept love from the opposite sex. The wickedness is so deep and hurting that only revenge could stop it. Can you imagine how ladies are now afraid to hangout with guys for fear of death? The scary aspect of the situation is that fiancés, too, can no longer be trusted as they spare nobody when they need to perform their blood rituals. I support the ‘Bad girls’ because Yahoo boys are heartless murderers. No human feelings or compassion at all for the women they profess to love. Some of them have been running amok due to the repercussions of their evil undertakings. A growing number of the guys are daily falling into the trap of ‘Bad girls.’

“Every woman dating Yahoo guys knows she’s at risk; and she is a prey in the net, but most of the babes think they are in true love or relationship for the future. Because the guys spend money to entice them, they refuse to heed the warnings. Just imagine the guys eating excreta, bathing nude in public places, walking half naked and undergoing rigorous fetish processes including agreeing to difficult and strait ritual conditions all in bids to get mysterious money without legitimate sources of income. They can’t continue to kill women like animals to satisfy their bloodthirsty demons. Girls have determined to turn the table against them. Nonsense!”

Recently, I watched a video from Goroso Ekiti, an online comedian who said Yahoo boys should desist from killing girls for money rituals because if women should start their own, it will be disastrous. As if he knew what was in the offing, the comic actually guessed right.

I watched another video which was said to be a ritual by women. A woman laid on the floor stark naked while another naked woman excreted on her body. The chief priestess was issuing instructions on the process while the disgusting scene lasted. I also saw a photograph online where young girls were in handcuffs for allegedly killing their parents through hired assassins in order to lavishly spend their parents’ money with their boyfriends in wild parties and sex orgy.

Some offensive video clips where minors, three to six years old boys expressed their desire to become Yahoo boys are in circulation. They said it is rave of the moment business and fastest route to making money. This wrong, misleading and disoriented propensity for illegitimate money making idea stems from widespread poverty and the superficial ostentatious lifestyle of celebrities as demonstrated in musical videos and Nollywood movies. The damage this negative idea has done to the psyche of our younger and incoming generation is enormous.

Government should legislate against the crime by extending the extant laws beyond cyber space. They should find a way to cover the murder cases involved in Yahoo boys’ activities under the law. Likewise, spiritualists and herbalists that superintendent and administer oaths and perform rituals for the boys should be investigated and arrested for prosecution. My fear in this regard is lack of the political will on the part of the political leaders and security agents as many of them are clients to the same spiritual godfathers and witch doctors.

On this note, I want to appeal to parents to be firm on their wayward children as the days ahead portend unpredictable retributive justice for evil deeds and their perpetrators.

Do have a safe weekend!

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