
Appointments Made By Oborevwori Will Impact Positively On Delta State – Akasa




By Ambrose Ologide

The Unuevworo of Uvwie Kingdom High Chief Hope Akasa ( JP ) has remarked that the appointments made by Governor Sheriff Francis Oborevwori so far will impact positively on Delta State.

Akasa who is the highest tradititioal chief in Uvwie Kingdom made the remark in a speech during his courtesy visit to the Director General ( DG ) of Warri, Uvwie Environs Special Areas Development Agency , Chief Godwin Ejiyeren in Orerokpe , Okpe Local Government Area last weekend.

Akasa noted that the appointments were square pegs in square holes.

“Governor Sheriff Francis Oborevwori should be commended for his wisdom in the appointments has made so far.

“It shows that he knows what is good for Delta State.

“We Uvwie and Okpe people are proud of him .

“It is my prayer that God should continue to bless him with such wisdom to enable him to take Delta State to greater heights,” he added.

The Unuevworo of Uvwie Kingdom had specifically applauded and appreciated Governor Oborevwori for the approval of flyover projects in Uvwie Local Government Area, appointment of indigenes as member of the agency, Delta State Chairman Board of Internal Revenue, commissioner, special adviser among other positions.

While congratulating Chief Godwin Ejiyere and other members of the agency on their appointments, he charged them on the development of the mandate areas.

The elated Uvwie high chief had also explained that the Director General and himself were age long bossom friends and that was what informed the courtesy visit.

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Chief Godwin Ejiyeren in his brief remark, thanked High Akasa (JP ) for the visit and kind remarks on Governor Oborevwori.

The Unuevworo of Uvwie Kingdom was accompanied on the visit by his wife Elohor, Chief Michael Okenini, Chief Aminu Ndidi and Philp Esume.


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