World News

Israel Strikes Iran As It Prepares For A Ground Invasion Of Rafah




Israel is expanding its military operations across the Middle East as it launches its first round of missile attack on Iran, a country with about 10 times the population and 85 times the landmass as Israel.

Israel reportedly struck an Iranian Airforce base inside Iran.

Israel conducted limited retaliatory strikes in Iran early Friday following Tehran’s missile and drone onslaught on Israel late Saturday.

Explosions were reported in Isfahan province, where Natanz, one of Iran’s key nuclear facilities, is situated. While the extent of the damage remains unclear, state television asserts the safety of all sites in the vicinity.

Military sources said that the Israeli strike was of a “limited” nature, with no involvement from the United States and prior notification to Washington.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Forces is currently ramping up soldiers, tanks, and other military equipment around the Gaza Strip as it prepares for a ground invasion of Rafah.

An Israeli spokesperson said that the IDF is determined to eradicate or severely suppress terrorist groups which have been tormenting Israel for decades, such as Iranian sponsored Hezbollah and Hamas.

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On April 1st, 2024, an Israeli Airforce plane struck an Iranian consulate building in Damascus Syria, double daring Iran to counterattack which they did the following Friday and Saturday by firing over 350 projectiles at Israel – most of which the IDF with the help of its allies intercepted.

The United States urged Israel not to retaliate for the Iranian counterattack attack and the White House posited that the United States military will not support any direct attack on Iran by Israel.

The Israeli War Cabinet decided however that they would still go ahead and attack Iran because failure to do so would make Israel seem weak and further embolden Iran. Further, an Israeli spokesperson said that Iran’s drone and missile attacks were meant to cause extensive damage to Israel.

This latest development of a direct attack on Iran is worrying since Russia reportedly sent military jets to Iran. Israel’s attack on Iran tonight has the potential to escalate into a full scale war between the two Middle Eastern countries.

According to intelligence received, Israel might be looking to dismantle the current Iranian government and effect regime change so as to suppress the financing of terrorism.


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