Open Letter

Open Letter To Senator (Chief) Ede Dafinone





Dear Senator Chief Ede Dafinone,

My dear distinguished senator representing the good people of Delta Central, I bring you warm greetings from your constituents. This morning, I address you not as a Chief, not as an elder statesman, not as a father, and not as an elder. This morning, I address you as a servant whom the collective people of Delta Central trusted with their vote to represent them appropriately, maximally, and practically, without any substitution to exaggerated excuses.

It has been over one year since you were sworn in as a Senator to represent your people. As a messenger and bond servant of the people, we request that you show us your scorecard. All we have seen from your media aides and your responses to questions bear no practical equilibrium to the office bestowed upon you. Dear Senator, is this question so much of an “elbow-grease”?

Why do you find this question upsetting and disrespectful? Are you actually a politician, or do you just want to add the title ‘Senator’ to your exhaustive qualifications and offices, as succinctly obvious in your curriculum vitae? It seems you are not aware that one of the beauties that propel the effectiveness of public service is criticism. I am actually short of words because, given your education, you should be an academic professor. I am afraid your mentor, the former DSP, did not educate you, or perhaps you decided to outgrow that important political class of criticism.

Dear Senator, yes, you have been a source of blessing to Sapele and adjoining towns concerning human capital development. Obviously, no one is arguing that. However, this is a public office and not an instrument of philanthropy. Hence, the people you serve deserve to know what you have done.

Since your assumption of office, you have not had any town hall meeting with the people you represent. This action is a negation of your campaign promise.

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Since your assumption of office, we are yet to see or read of anyone you have appointed to support you in piloting the vast responsibilities of your office.

Since your assumption of office, we are yet to see any single empowerment project influenced by your office.

Since your assumption of office, we are yet to see any bill sponsored by you and passed that has positively affected the common man from your constituent.

Since you assumed office, you are yet to visit the areas where you campaigned to thank them and inform them of the modalities you are putting in place to fulfill the promises you made during the campaign.

And I repeat my question: are you a politician, Pastor, or businessman?

Dear Senator, we are not bound by any law not to ask questions. You are not also bound by any law to give answers. However, you should know that the people of Delta Central have the constitutional right to recall you. If that is not possible, there is a next election where you would be shown the way out. The stringent policies of your party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), which have contributed to the sufferings we currently face, are enough reason not to vote you in. However, we decided to look at you from an individual perspective and gave you the benefit of the doubt, hoping you would be different. But it is obvious that you are playing the card of a tyrant instead of buckling up and working with the criticism being dished out to you.

I have so much to say, but I will drop my pen at this juncture. Dear Senator, remember where you are coming from. Remember your promises. Remember that you are a mere servant in service to the people. We owe you nothing, but you owe us everything. Buckle up now that you still have time, be more practical than being theoretical


(Humanist Jakpa Bemigho )


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