
2023: Commodore Omatseye Nesiama Set To Make A Difference In Delta South Senatorial District




By Ogbe Sammy (Warri)

Not many people know that Commodore Omatseye Nesiama(Rtd) is contesting for Delta South Senatorial District on the platform of New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) and those who know, may not be abreast of the manifesto he has to better the lives of the people when eventually he emerges the winner and occupies this office.

For those belonging to any of the categories above, it is important for them and you the reader(s) of this episode to know that Commodore Omatseye Nesiama(Rtd) is contesting and is set to make a difference in governance when eventually he emerges the winner in this direction.

Without flattery, Commodore Omatseye Nesiama is a man of vision with vast experience(s) in administration. He served in different capacities while in service. While we are not here to catalogue his career and professional appointments, it is pertinent to say, he got commissioned as a sub- Lieutenant in 1988, promoted Lieutenant in 1992 and rose to Lieutenant Commander in 1997 and this continued and due to his hard work, became a Commodore in 2012. He held other appointments while in service. Among his duties are Watch Keeping on board, various Nigerian Navy Ships, Staff Officer,.Commanding Officer and Director at single and tri- Service levels at various strata of his military career. Though retired, he is not tired but determined to put smiles on the faces of the people gleaning from experience(s) which he acquired when he held various positions including his serving as Chief Security Officer to the Military Administrator, Enugu State and Aide de Camp(ADC) to Military Administrator of Abia State, General Staff Officer to the Honourable Minister of State for Defence and later, to Honourable Minister of Defence. He was also a and then Member of the State Security Councils of Enugu and Abia States at different times among others.

In a chat with journalists in Warri recently, he said, his style of legislation would be different as he would always keep the Constituency’s Office open for the people to lodge their needs just as he would always identify their priority needs and attend to them.

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He said: “The kind of representation l would to bring bear would be that where the people in the constituency are free to come to the Constituency’s Office to lodge their needs and there would be people that would attend to them on my behalf. My being in Abuja does not mean the Constituency’s Office should be closed like can be seen in many instances.”

Commodore Omatseye Nesiama is very optimistic that all hope is not lost as many people in the constituency, due to the failure of the past successive administrations, have the notion that their impoverished condition(s) of living cannot be improved upon. In order to change this narrative, Commodore Nesiama has come to represent them in the Senate. Little wonder, Commodore Omatseye Nesiama encapsulates the matra: ‘It is possible”.

Thus, his agenda when the people vote for him come 2023 to represent them in Delta South Senatorial District include but not limited to the promotion of legislations that would attract viable programmes/projects for the development of the good people of Delta South Senatorial District; efficient utilization of constituency project funds for Human Capital Development; functional constituency engagements, feedback and follow up to ensure that the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) is implemented for the betterment of the people.

Since good legislations give birth to viable projects execution, he is ready to influence legislations and re-legislation around the PIA framework to ensure corporate governance, administration, fiscal and host community provision.

Since Commodore Omatseye Nesiama’s determination to better the lives of the youths and adults alike, he has been involved in youths’ growth and development. Against this background, he has been involved in mentoring and life’s coaching of young people and adults. In this, he uses churches, businesses and sports opportunities to carry out these acts of mentorships and role modeling. He believes in creation of ways by which the youths can be meaningfully engaged.

These meaningful engagements keep the youths from involving in social vices such as armedrobbery, kidnapping, internet frauds popularly called Yahoo and prostitutions among the girls. Little wonder, upon retirement from service, he said, he trained a minimum of 245 youths and employed them in the security outfit which he established.

He said: “I believe in youths’ growth and development, this is why, on my retirement, l set up a security outfit and l have trained and employed well over 245 youths, paying them salaries.”

Commodore Omatseye Nesiama’s thoughts are to make a difference in governance, he has a crack team of strategic thinkers to represent Delta South with him to achieve the goals and aspirations of the people of the Delta Senatorial District come 2023 general elections.

He has urged the people to focus on what he has on the offing for them so that they can vote wisely just as he has charged the people just registered to go and collect their Permanent Voters’Card (PVC) to enable them vote.

He therefore calls on you, the reader(s) of thus episode to pass this message to others that, there is a man that is trained with lots of experience(s), equipped, ready and offered himself to serve the people in order for them to get the dividends of democracy which they have been mostly denied since the inception of Democratic dispensation in Delta South Senatorial District in particular, Delta State and the country at large.


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