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Integrity Group Shifts Date Of Programme To Mark Oborevwori’s One Year In Office 



Integrity Group Shifts Date Of Programme To Mark Oborevwori's One Year In Office 

Integrity Group Shifts Date Of Programme To Mark Oborevwori's One Year In Office 

Integrity Group of Delta state, the MORE agenda and You Matter Charity Foundation has shifted the date to mark the first anniversary of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration.

The programme of activities which was contained in a press statement endorsed by the Convener and Chairman of the Integrity Group, Dr. Oke Idawene and Hon. Barth Ozah, the Director of Media and Communication, said the programme scheduled to commence with a world press conference on Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024.

The press conference, according to the statement, will feature a catalogue of achievements of governor Sheriff Oborevwore’s administration as encapsulated on his MORE agenda documents visa vice the governor’s policy road map in the coming months.

Also, the 22nd of May date for the Integrity maiden edition bulletin to be launched with chronicles of achievements of the governor as encapsulated on his MORE agenda, under the distinguished chairmanship of Rt. Hon. Funkekeme Solomon, Senior Policy Adviser to Governor Sheriff Oborevwore, at Unity Hall Government House, Asaba beginning by 11am prompt, will now hold on Friday, 24th May.

The statement added that governor Sheriff Oborevwori and wife Tobore will be Special Guests of Honour while the Speaker Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Emomotimi Guwor is expected to be the Guest of Honour.

ALSO READ: MANPOWER SHORTAGE: Oborevwori Establishes New Health College In Delta

Others expected at the event are: Profession Sam Oyovbaire, father of the day, Chief (Mrs) P. N. Okwuofu, mother of the day while the keynote addaddress will be delivered by Chief Ebenezer Okorodudu.

Chief Launchers are: Olorogun John Oguma, Chief Solomon Igharakpa and Evan. Michael Diden Ejele.


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