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Press Statement: The Need To Correct Reprehensible Lies Of “The League Of Delta Patriots” Against Oborevwori



Motorcycle Ban: Okpanam.Residents Appeal To Oborevwori For Rethink, Road Construction

The INTEGRITY GROUP of Delta state is appalled by the highly reprehensible publication authored by a faceless group known as “League of Delta Patriots “in a Vanguard edition of 3rd June, 2024. The pedestrian writers laboured albeit unsuccessfully to paint the Oborevwori administration,s one year in office as being cheerless and unworthy of any celebration.

As Ambassadors of Governor Oborevwori,s M.O.R.E Agenda, we stand a better stead to do a critical evaluation of the Governor,s one year in office. Before we can do an unbiased evaluation of the  one year of the Oborevwori administration we must know what the acronym M.O.R.E stands for.

It is:

M-Meaningful Development.

I am determining to ensure that we embark on development initiatives and projects that have significance and purpose

O- Opportunities for all.

I will run an open, transparent and responsive Government where there is shared prosperity and everybody has a sense of belonging.

R- Realistic Reforms.

In consolidating the work already done by the current administration and moving Delta forward my government shall implement realistic and impactful reforms.

E- Enhanced Peace and Security.

Peace and Security shall be right atmosphere for social and economic life.

The Oborevwori administration is unpretentious about being an offshoot of the Okowa administration, both being of the same PDP family. To this end, the Oborevwori administration was comfortable completing all the projects bequeathed to it by its immediate predecessor. In the one year administration of Governor Oborevwori administration he was happy to complete and commission several projects it inherited because Government is a continuum and it is economical, transparent and effective to do so.

For the League of Delta Patriots to postulate that the Oborevwori administration only commissioned the projects it inherited from his predecessor not only smacks of ignorance of how government works but also reveals the underbelly of the authors as being laden with mischief.

Nevertheless we must applaud Governor Oborevwori for not abandoning any project but rather completed and commissioned the following:

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-4.4 kilometer Emevor -Orogun Road

-4  Major link roads in Ughelli

-Bridge across OBO river in sector C1 of the Ughelli- Asaba expressway

-5.3 kilometer Okpanam-Ibusa road

– The Okpolo Enwhe-Uwheru road

– ⁠The 10km Isheagu/Ewulu Road

– ⁠Okan/Agbarho road

– ⁠2 kilometer roads at the University of Science and Technology Ozoro

– ⁠Orere and Beneku bridges

– ⁠Various infrastructure at the Dennis Osadebey university Anwai

– ⁠16km internal roads and drainages around Madonna road Okpanam road and ultra modern State Judiciary Complex, recently commissioned by former president Goodluck Jonathan.

In the area of human capital development the Oborevwori administration has deployed resources to pay the promotion arrears of civil servants to the tune of N5billion naira while still ensuring that Local Government pensioners and retired teachers are paid their retirement benefits from a N40billion facility loan he sourced for them.The Oborevwori administration also employed over 3000 teachers and none teaching staff while also ensuring that 60, 000 students in tertiary institutions were paid their 2022/2023 bursary.The administration also approved a 25% reduction in acceptance fees in the 4 state Universities. Is the Leaque of Delta Patriots unaware of these disbursements, or just fanning the flames of discord?

We are also aware that the state government under Oborevwori,s watch attracted three new faculties of Basic Medical Science, Pharmacy and Health Science to the University of Science and Technology, Ozoro aside from the establishment of the college of Health Technology at Ovrode in Isoko south local government area.

If the League of Delta patriots still see all these as cheerless then we need to remind them that the Oborevwori administration has equally initiated 76 road projects spanning 171.49Km and  85.30 km length of drains within one year in office and these projects have varying completion timelines.

It is unfortunate that the League of Delta Patriots was silent about the ongoing construction of three bridges, cloverleaf and road expansion projects awarded to Julius Berger by the Oborevwori administration in Warri and Effurun.

Contrary to the lies being peddled by the so called League of Delta patriots, the 2024 PDP local government primaries was very transparent, free and fair. It was very clear to all political stakeholders across the state that Governor Oborevwori did not have any anointed candidates and any one saying the contrary is either mischievous or ignorant of the processes

The INTEGRITY GROUP posits that Delta State is in safe hands and the different ethnic Nationalities in the state are happy with their Governor who has made sure there is even distribution of resources and projects accross the three senatorial districts in the state

The INTEGRITY GROUP urges the Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori not to be distracted by the shenanigans of detractors as we are confident he is doing very well as encapsulated in his achievement portfolio in just one year in office.


Dr. Oke Idawene, Convener and Chairman Integrity Group.

Hon. Barth Ozah, Director of Media and Communication Integrity Group.

Elder Fred Akpewe, Editor In Chief Integrity Bulletin.


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