A video has surfaced showing a prominent Islamic cleric, known as the Mufti of Iwo, issuing threats against individuals and groups opposed to the establishment of...
Two men, Nura Usman and Adamu Dauda, have been remanded in a correctional facility for allegedly defecating in a mosque. They were remanded on Thursday by...
A businessman, Mustapha Baba, on Wednesday prayed a Sharia Court in Kaduna State, to order his estranged wife, Amina Sani, to return a diamond necklace he...
An Islamic scholar, Lawal Gusau, has asked the police to arraign Kannywood actress, Rahama Sadau, before a Sharia court, for posting a photo of herself wearing...
Barely three days after a Sharia court in Kano sentenced man to death for allegedly committing blasphemy, another court has sentenced a man to death by...