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CAN Elections: Gov Okowa Must Intervene To Avoid Anarchy In Ethiope East— Bishop Ben Umudi



Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, Delta State

-Linus Was Duly Elected— State Chairman
– Apostle Okorote Gives Reasons Why The Election Was Moved To Asaba
-Umudi Will Be Invited To The Disciplinary Committee Soon, Says Bishop Enakirherhi

By Daniel Dafe
Tension seems to be brewing in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State, as some members of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the area have alleged that Apostle Linus Enomolele was imposed as their Chairman, adding that the State Chairman of the association, Senior Apostle (Dr.) Sam Okorote, with the assistance of the Chairman of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Bishop Kingsley Enakirherhi, is determined to go against the will of the majority that favour the candidature of Rev. Wilson Orikpete for the chairmanship position.
Speaking to Oasis Magazine (OM) during an exclusive chat, Bishop Ben Umudi said that the election conducted in Asaba that saw Linus emerge was an act of impunity.
According to him, the State Secretary, Rev. Monday Madueke and Vice Chairman, Rev. (Fr.) Jesu Ovie who ought to be involved in the election did not participate because they did not want to be a part of the illegality.
He continued: “Why did they carry the election from Ethiope East to Asaba? Because they know that if it was held here, Linus would have lost. Well, Linus cannot call any meeting in Ethiope East neither can his so-called executive be inaugurated anywhere in Ethiope East. He cannot come and rule us here except he will do so from Asaba. We are waiting for them.
“As we speak, Linus has a case to answer with the police because he sold facemasks that were supposed to be distributed free of charge. CAN refused to investigate the matter but swept it under the carpet.
“Is it someone like Linus that should be asked to lead us in Ethiope East? During 2019 Christmas celebration, 20 bags of rice was sent to the Christian community in Ethiope East, he and the few that are supporting him now benefitted from the governor’s generosity while majority of persons were denied.
“The State CAN and PFN Chairmen want Linus because he would be a tool in their hands to carry out their dictates.”
Speaking further, he said the way forward was for a fresh election to be conducted in Ethiope East.
“We are peace a loving people and that is why we are calling on the governor to look into the issues critically to avoid a breach of peace in the area,” he added.
When contacted about the claims of Bishop Umudi, the State Chairman of CAN said: “In politics, the view of the minority should be respected, but the majority carries the day.
“CAN is made up of five blocks. We agreed that each of the blocks should present 10 delegates each for the election and gave room for the outgoing executive to vote too, bringing the total number of delegates to 60. 48 persons voted at the election in Asaba. So he was duly elected.
“The election was moved to Asaba because those to conduct it after two failed attempts with Ethiope East as the venue also considering the atmosphere that looked insecure because of the crowd and many persons with danger=ous weapons, decided to move it to Asaba.
“Even the council chairman, Chief Faith Majemite is aware of the arrangement to move the election over to Asaba because of security threats from those that were bent on winning.
“CAN constitution does not recognize more than 10 persons per block.
“Saying that my Vice did not participate is false. Since I am there, it was not necessary to have the Vice there. For the secretary, he withdrew because he became exhausted by the various threats from Bishop Umudi.”
Speaking further, he said that at a time, he had the mind of making Ethiope East be without CAN. That is what Ben Umudi wants and so I dropped that idea. If it is not his candidate, Rev. Wilson Orikpete, he does not want anyone to be there.
On the allegations of Linus selling of government’s facemasks, he said, “if they think Linus sold them, he should be taken to court.”
On the way forward, he noted that “time heals wounds,” adding that there is no way that Umudi will not feel bad since his candidate did not win.
“I have advised Linus to setup a reconciliatory committee and make sure that everyone is carried along.
“I have no stake in Ethiope East CAN,” he added.
On his part, Bishop Enakirherhi, said that Bishop Umudi behaves abnormally, saying that he (Umudi) has written several petitions and at a time had to apologise.
He continued: “He is behaving unusually abnormal. How many persons are in his church? What does it take to be a bishop? He is not a delegate so why is he trying to create problems? I don’t know Linus. I am an Urhobo, Linus is from Edo State. What do I have to do with Ethiope East CAN?
“There was an election one time in Isiokolo in their block. Linus scored 51, Orikpete scored 7. So what is the fuss about the election in Asaba? He will be invited to the disciplinary committee soon.”


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