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If You Have An Account With GTBank Then Take Note Of These Important Short Codes




New Codes For GTBank Customers

Guaranty Trust Bank is a leading Nigerian bank which is a household name all over the country. The bank is one of the very few who introduced the concept of internet banking to customers.

Gone are the days when you have to enter the banking hall for virtually anything you might want to do.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see bank users perform transactions on their mobile phones and other ways.

So with this in mind, below are 37 codes for GTBank Users who might want to perform transactions on their mobile phones:

Full meaning Of GTBank: G, Guaranty T, Trust, B, Bank

1. This Code Is Used For Account Opening: *737*0#;

2. This Code Is Used For Airtime (self): *737*Amount#;

3. This Code Is Used For Airtime (3rd party): *737*Amount*PhoneNo#;

4. This Code is used for Transfers (GTBank): *737*1*Amount*Nuban#;

5. This code Is used for Transfers (other bank): *737*2*Amount*Nuban#;

6. This code is used for Cardless Withdrawal: *737*3*Amount#;

7. This code is used for Fast Track Deposit: *737*48*Amount*Nuban#;

8. this code is used for Prepaid Data Account: *737*4#;

9. This code is used for Balance/Account No/BVN: *737*6*1#;

10. This code is used for Loan Balance: *737*6*2#;

11. This code is used for Card Status: *737*6*3#;

12. This code is used for Generate OTP: *737*7#;

13. This code is used for Airtime Advance: *737*8*1#;

14. This code is used for 737 Give: *737*32*Amount*Church Code#

15. This code is used for 737 Checkout: *737*35*Amount Merchant Code#;

16. This code is used for Startimes Subscription: *737*37*Amount*SmartcardNo#;

17. This code is used for Swift Network Subscription: *737*50*Amount*4#;

18. This code is used for Quick Credit: *737*51*51#;

19. This code is used for GOTV Subscription: *737*IUC#;

20. This code is used for DSTV Subscription: *737*SMART CARD NO#;

21. This code is used for LCC Toll: *737*50*Amount*108#;

22. This code is used for 737 Fast Track Deposit: *737*48*Amount*Account Number#;

23. This code is used for SKS Standing Instruction: *737*52*AMOUNT*26#;

24. This code is used for GTrescue: *737*3*Amount#;

25. This code is used for 737 cashout Service (TOTAL): *737*50*Amount*50#;

26. This code is used for Create a Transaction Pin: *737*5#;

27. This code is used for Mini Statement: *737*51*30#;

28. This code is used for Reference Confirmation: *737*51*54#;

29. This code is used for PayDay Loan: *737*52*40#;

30. This code is used for School Fees Advance: *737*52*3#

Check More 7 Codes From 31 to 37
31. This code is used for Standing Instruction on SKS: *737*52*26#

32. This code is used for Hub Advance Request: *737*51*482#;

33. This code is used for USSD BlackList: *737*51*66#;

34. This code is used for Fashion Loans: *737*51*52#;

35. This code is used for 3rd Party Statement: *737*51*33#;

36. This code is used for Spend To Save: *737*51*24#;

37. This code is used for Card Hotlist: *737*51*10#.

PS: This is not an exhaustive list as there are other codes but here is hoping that this proves helpful.

From Opera News Hub

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