
Amaechi, Urhobo Leader Disagree Over Naming Of Railway Station




Minister of Transportation, Mr Rotimi Amaechi and the President-General of Udu communities in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State, Chief Notoma Godwin, on Friday disagreed over the naming of Ijevwu Railway Station.

The event was the formal kick-off of freight services on the Warri-Itakpe Standard Gauge Railway Line by the Nigerian Railway Corporation held at Ijevwu Railway Station.

Chief Godwin had, in his goodwill message at the event, taken a swipe at the Federal Government for not naming the railway station after an eminent and worthy Urhobo indigene.

Not done, he further went ahead to kick against identifying the location of the railway station as Warri rather than Ijevwu which he said is in a different local government from Warri.

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“The name of the railway station should reflect the sensibility of the people of Udu. Udu has its own monarch just as Warri has its own.

“Our sensibility should not be taken for granted. And we are making this submission for the sake of posterity,” Chief Godwin added.

Responding, Amaechi, who abandoned his prepared speech, warned against those misusing the platform to draw ethnic blood and create tension where there should be none.

“We will not allow anybody to use primordial sentiments to incite the youths to foment trouble whatsoever over location of well-intended government projects.

“After all, people from the immediate catchment area are ultimately the highest beneficiaries, socially and economically,” Amaechi said.

Not done, the minister warned that government would not overlook a situation where communities degenerate to rancour against one another rather than rallying round themselves to secure and take ownership of developmental projects in their areas.


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