
OPINION: The Sanctimony of Latimore’s Apology




I took time to go through the Barr. Latimore’s apology to His Excellency the Governor of Delta State, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa and the Government of the Day, and I see no remorse actually but desperate attempt to curry favour and get public sympathy.

It could have just been a plain apology, but the usual Latimore would always give it coloration. A boss was gravely offended; if you want to apologise, just apologise and leave unnecessary background out.

But like always, he spoilt it by saying that people would have expected him to react negatively. However, from the beginning to the end of the apology, he still reacted negatively.

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A Governor of a State was called unprintable names, described as being influenced by ethnic bigots and scammers who didn’t allow him to notice the huge contributions of Latimore to his government, and all he could put up in his apology is that he was trying to draw the Governor’s attention to his plight.

Was Latimore coerced to write this apology? If Latimore could make communication blunders in his sane self, he would do much more when tensed, especially in a moment of termination of his appointment. And yours truly, he goofed with this apology.

Repeatedly, he referred to the Governor as a former boss. And to say that millions of people across the state and beyond were surprised that you did not react negatively to your removal as EAC to H.E the Governor of Delta State and did not provoke media uprising, is a bigger insult and you indeed provoked much more media uprising by this.

Latimore, you went further to say “I pledge my loyalty to the Governor as a financial member of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, and as a Party Faithful”; that’s another blunder. Why the grandstanding as a financial member of your party? Are you telling us that if you were not a party man, you will never be loyal to the Governor of a State? Even the Holy scriptures admonish us to obey and respect those in authority and power over us, not minding whether they are in the same party with us or not.

This is another point where you goofed. “I thank God Almighty that the termination of my appointment was not based on gross incompetence and negligence of duty. I gave my all to the Governor and this administration from April 3, 2017 till 29th December, 2021, and in the process made so many enemies for myself. I am a one-way traffic loyalist”. Again, this is huge lie. If your appointment was not terminated based on incompetence and negligence, then by what exactly? How can you abandon your duty to start fighting dirty and blackmailing the government you worked for against the official oath of allegiance, and you are telling us cock and bull story.

The evidence is there that you granted interview to a national radio, where you described the Governor in bad light among others. Coming here now, you are telling us that “The content and the grave error occurred while distributing one of the messages to few government officials. It fell into the hands of one of my core detractors and before it could be deleted, he went virile with it on social media”. What were you expecting Uncle Latimore? He who kills by the sword surely will fall by the sword.

Let’s look at it this way, you were brought into a government to communicate the political activities of your principal to the public; but rather than do that, you were more interested in promoting yourself and in the process, most often, left your principal bare. We all have principals one way or the other, the assignment usually is to be in the best interest of the principal. If for any reason you are no longer comfortable, there is always the honourable decision for every man – take a bow. But no, in this case the principal can even be blackmailed so far he gets to give attention to your selfish plight.

This is not an apology Oga Latimore. This is sanctimonious apology.

Analysed By Comrade Patrick Ochei.


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