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Lauretta Onochie Is Living On Borrowed Time And She Knows It



APC Leadership Frowns At Illegal Suspension Of Onochie, Ojoughoh In Delta

It’s inevitable that the in-coming administration of President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, that will be sworn in next month will disband, and subsequently reconstitute all federal boards and parastatals. For many appointees this is just an accepted fact but for Lauretta Onochie who prides herself as “Ada Anioma” and the current Chairman of NDDC Board of Directors, it’s has traumatised her knowing that she will soon be turfed out of a role that she honestly has no business in.

Afraid of her imminent termination, Lauretta Onochie has decided to distract herself by launching a hateful and bitter campaign of calumny and hate against the Deputy President of the Senate and the APC Governorship candidate in Delta State, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege. The question is why?

The hard truth is that Onochie is widely known for her crude and insolent vituperations and for raining insults and abuse at any Nigerian leader of note who doesn’t give her personal recognition that she feels she deserves. She is especially notorious for hiring jobless miscreants on social media to attack and cyber-stalk successful Nigerians for her personal interest.

Prior to the 2015 general elections, Onochie was relatively unknown. She was an unemployed jobseeker living in London on UK government handouts – popularly known as “The Jobseeker’s Allowance”. Through her crafty opportunism, she exploited the then growing unpopularity of the President Goodluck Jonathan administration and took advantage of the wave of wide-spread dissatisfaction, she tweeted and posted her way on social media to popularity and recognition. After the elections, she somehow wangled her way into the system as a member of Buhari Support Organisation where she was appointed as SA Facebook to the President to the detriment of well-educated and more refined personalities like Mrs Gloria Adagbon who used to be her friend. Yes, who used to be her friend, that is a story for another day.

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Working in the Villa, she took cynical advantage of her office to regularly solicit for funds from the former minister of state for petroleum, Ibe Kachikwu and former executive director project of NDDC, Samuel Adjogbe, both from Delta State to campaign online for the second term aspiration of President Buhari. She was adequately funded!

Funds received on behalf of BSO remains unaccounted for and in turn, that became an albatross that tore the group apart in Delta State. Whilst working in the Villa, she lobbied her colleagues for her name to be sent to the National Assembly as INEC national commissioner as a “golden handshake” as the Buhari administration commenced its gradual wind down.

Of course, her nomination was widely condemned and roundly rejected by Nigerians across the country due to her naked partisanship and her penchant for propagating falsehoods and lies. After her inevitable INEC failure, she took aim at the Deputy President of the Senate (also from Delta State and expected ally) for not forcefully getting his colleagues in the Senate to clear her for the position.

Following that failed attempt at INEC, she again lobbied to be considered to chair the NDDC board of directors, a position she now occupies despite not being ill-qualified administratively and otherwise competent to hold such a position. Since then, she has not relented in her attacks against the person of the Deputy President of the Senate for daring to recommend someone else for the position of the MD of the NDDC when he was asked to nominate same by the President.

Here are some of the questions we must ask Lauretta Onochie that will help explain the impossible position that she now finds herself in:

1. Where was Onochie when Senator Ovie Omo-Agege led other leaders of the party to campaign for the APC 5/5 across all the Wards of the 25 Local Government Areas of Delta State?

2. Where was Onochie when the President-elect came to Warri in Delta State to flag off Delta State APC campaigns?

3. What is the membership strength of BSO in Delta State and when and where did she campaign for the party before the just concluded general elections?

4. What happened between her and AVM Terry Okorodudu, the former Delta State coordinator of BSO that led to his unilateral replacement with Chief Ejiofor?

5. Who is Chief Ejiofor?

6. Has Onochie ever attended an APC leaders and stakeholders meeting in Delta State?

For Onochie to mention the names of Olorogun Emerhor, Olorogun Keyamo, Hon. Ochei, Dr. Igbuzor, Elder Orubebe, etc., simply shows that she has totally lost the plot. These are well respected leaders of the APC party in Delta State who all worked very hard and are still working tirelessly together with Senator Omo-Agege for the success of the party in the State. Honestly, Onochie should hide her head, though empty, in shame for working against the APC in her Unit, Ward and LGA that led to the compromise of the party’s interest across those three units.

One will expect her to list or showcase her achievements in the NDDC but all we hear from behind the scenes is how she is fighting to usurp the powers of the MD and other members of the board. If she ever entertained dreams of retaining that position under Asiwaju’s presidency then she must now know that her dark secrets are now out in the open. Apart from not having the required expertise and experience to chair such a sensitive board and organisation, her fraudulent CV has been exposed as nothing but a tissue of lies and fabrications.

Finally, whether Onochie likes it or not, she has been suspended indefinitely and there is nothing she can do about it or her impending sack.

Aruviere Martin Egharhevwa, Esq
Kokori Inland, Delta State.


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