
World Press Freedom Day: NUJ Delta Urges Journalists To Keep The Flag Flying





Today marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day as declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993. This universal declaration had empowered the media all over the world to exercise her rights reasonably.

We understand that the practice of Journalism still poses threat to the lives of the practitioners today, especially in this part of the world.

However, as a people who have placed their hands on the plow and should not look back according to the rules of engagement in order not to be found unworthy, we encourage our colleagues to keep the flag flying.

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We are faced with monumental challenges in the course of carrying out our statutory functions of holding government to account, including investigating and uncovering knotty societal issues, but we should not look back. Our duty symbolizes that of a priest whose allegiance is unto God and man.

Journalism is a sacred job, demanding of enormous sacrifices towards the service of God and humanity. We must continue to carry on irrespective of harassment, intimidation and suppression, even at the risk of our lives, bearing in mind that one truth brought to light can save a society and impact positively on humanity.

From the Delta State Council of NUJ, we urge all journalists in the State to continue to raise the bar in their professional duties, without minding whose ox is gored.

You must ensure to constantly uphold the ethics of the Journalism Practice while at the same time conducting yourselves in the best code deserving of a true journalist who should be the conscience of the society in all ramifications.

We celebrate you and wish you the best as you go about your constitutional mandate of mounting surveillance on the society to gather and disseminate information to your audiences. Congratulations on the World Press Freedom Day.

We hereby, unequivocally demand of government and state apparatuses to continue to work with the NUJ towards improved welfare and protection of practitioners across Nigeria.

Comrade Michael Ikeogwu
NUJ Chairman
Delta State Council

Comrade Patrick Ochei
NUJ Secretary
Delta State Council


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