
Occult, Cultism, Syncretism Destroying Nigerian Church




Cult worship can be defined as a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. Also, cultism is seen as the activity of worshipping and devotion to the doctrine or a cult or to the practices of a cult.

Syncretism, on the other hand, is the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.

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For some time now, a lot of Nigerian churches and pastors are being accused of being involved in cult practices, occultism, and syncretism.

Although no one or group has come out openly to accuse any of being involved, there are always hushed voices and insinuations during group meetings and discussions.

Nollywood, at a time, was awash with stories and actions depicting the practice of cultism by a lot of church leaders. There had also been open advertisements of Hindu shines here and there and even traditional priests inviting pastors for ‘special anointing’.

There are also stories of special eyeglasses, handkerchiefs, alleged burying of pictures, bathing in streams and at junctions, breaking of coconuts, salt treatments, etc, which some clerics adopt in their ‘deliverance’ processes so set those in spiritual bondage or captivity free.

The social and traditional media are awash with stories of clerics of several religious groups caught with cult materials, body parts, dead human or animal bodies buried in altars, while others have been accused of engaging in a moral activities in worship centres.

These were said to be in the quest for power, wealth or prosperity or to allegedly draw multitudes to their worship centres.

Many church leaders allegedly pretend that such do not exist, or close their eyes to the reality and hardly bring it to the open, hence the practices continue to thrive.

Rev. Dr. Frank Freds Nwosu, President, Elim-Africa Mission Inc, in his book, ‘Syncretism In The Present World’s Missions’, gave credence to the allegations of cultism and syncretism in some Nigerian or African churches.

Speaking with Sunday INDEPENDENT, Rev. Nwosu said, “The sorry stench of what has been going on in some religious houses is being shamelessly given prominence in the media these days. Whereas those with a modicum of respect for the Christian faith are complaining, it seems reasonable that raising it will make churchmen more concerned and nudge them into attacking the matter headlong.

“Addressing this subject at appropriate levels hasbecomemostnecessary, instead of pretending it does not exist. But sadly, the umbrella associationsholding churchestogetherarekeeping aloud and suspicious silence.

“We are in the End-time, entering a New World Order, a time when the world transits from a Judeo-Christian mindset, to a Satanic/Luciferian world order. In the new world order, Jehovah is no longer worshipped, rather Satan is worshipped as God. Theworldnowworshipshimandacceptshis doctrines and values.

“Shamefully, this negative inclination is even worsened by the crude and dark ‘Africanity’ that blendsfetishismandsacrificialritualsintothefabric of the churching system. That is why we now have rising cases of cultism in religious circles.”

The cleric continued: “It is most disheartening that even the seemingly erudite have become so blinded by religiousemotionsthatthey areunable to differentiate between Satanism and authentic Christian worship.

“I have made an effort to capture the wider deceptions in my book on this subject, aptly titled, ‘Syncretism in World Missions’, now available online at”

Rev. Dr. Andrews Okhirebhu, Senior Pastor, Wordhedge International Assembly and Senior Lecturer, Royal Light Institute of Biblical Studies (RLIBS), Lagos, in his contribution, stated: “When you say allegations (of cultism), what one is saying is that though inspite of its positive assertion and reality, yetitisunsupportedwithprovenevidences.

“Simply to say they are ‘alleged’ but, not proven so. And, this is where the matter of truth, and the truth of the matter is more compounded and compromised, while giving a undue cover ‘as allegations’ over a proven witnesses, to strengthen its cancerous roots and spread the abominable activities the more within the church and ministers.

“That, Iamafraid of therealityof thesesyncretism, will gets stronger, unabated, so long there is no central jurisdiction of checks and balances of theChurch’sactivitieswithinherblocsorinter-denominations.

“Even, the existing regulatory body of the interdenominational blocs has become social and political, thereby giving the room for the craze of titles, positions and material seeking ventures, organisations, arguably of course, is all reasons for the involvement in the cults, cultism and syncretisminthefirstplace, fornamesandpopularity or fame.

“Frankly, the only reason it is a topic of discussionthistimeisthatthespreeof theseevilsamong many supposedly gospel preachers, is obviously and loudly alarming and of great concern within and across borders of Nigeria.

“Asagainstthebiblicaland scripturalteachings and doctrines, the rise of cults and the mixing up of Christianity and ministry with the foreign and traditional fetishisms, are highly fueled in the Nigeria Church.

“This is the reason I am asking if you call them allegations when the heights of its reality are in salient measures. I always wonder when I come across, again and again some scriptures. I am not surpriseof theirwarnings: 2Corinthians13:5says, “…Prove yourself if ye be in faith.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21, says, “…Prove all things.”

Ephesians 4:14 is very clear. It says, “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.”

“Also, Mathew 24, tells us that many will be deceived, and the very elects will narrowly escaped alltheShenanigans, sleightsandflimflamsof men.

“Finally, we are warned to take heed. Seriously, thisiswherewehavethegreatestchallengebefore usastheChurch. ManyChristiansdonotreadand study the bible for personal intimacy and guides.

“So, they readily play into the hands and influences of these fake and false prophets, and self-appointed bishops and Apostles of deception at the expense of their souls and eternal life.”

Rev Dr. Rexkennedy Saltlove, President, RexkennedySaltloveApostolicMandateandminister, Revival Assembly (The New Anointing Church), Ogba, Lagos, also contributing, said: “The issue of cult, cultism and syncretism is very much rampant globally and Nigeria in particular.

“I will start by quoting this scripture, 2 Cor. 11:13-15, which says, ‘These people are false apostles. Theyaredeceitfulworkerswhodisguisethemselves as apostlesof Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselvesasservantsof righteousness. Intheend they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.”

The reason for this is due to the people’s penchant for ‘Immediate Miracles’ and gullibility, and the desire by many to be famous, popular and ‘powerful’ ministers to attract crowd, respect and honour from men. This has made many to dabble intocult, cultismandpracticesyncretism,(mixing of true gospel with African traditional religion).”

According to him, “Some so-called men of God or Pastors are outright agents of Satan who only use churches to mask their evils and are thus wolves in sheep clothing, who came to destroy the flock. Paul uses words like ‘vicious wolves’

“Paul said: ‘For I know that after my departure, viciouswolveswillenterinamongyou, notsparing the flock’ – Acts 20:29.”

The cleric maintained that cult, cultism and syncretism are very real and practised by many. He stressed: “People need to be discerning and on guard, so as not to run this Christian race in vain, “Because one can run in vain.”

Another cleric, Apostle Kanayo Success Uchime, President, Kigdom Missions Outreach Inc, in his contribution titles ‘Cult, Cultism and Syncretism in the Church’, stated: “Well, talking of theissueof cultactivitiesintheNigeriachurch, one may not need to generalise. It is an ongoing trend in some churches.

“The issue about the existence of cult in the church is basically a fact, going by the way some Nigerian churches are structured. Cult has been described as a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object that object being the Head Pastor, General Overseer or Bishop.

“This is true of some churches in Nigeria. In such churches, the leaders make themselves the onlymanstanding. Theyinadvertentlymaketheir followers to ‘worship’ them, in the sense that only theleader’s voice isheard. Alpha and Omega to the extent that worship in the church or any other activity inthechurchcannottakeplacewithouthim.

“Whatever the leader says or does is not questionable whether it is correct or incorrect. He is seenasthe‘Empire’of thechurch: Suchisachurch that can be referred to as a cult based church.

“Well, for cultism, which is seen as a collection of people coming together on the principle of protecting their members and defending their philosophies, it may not be practicable in the church, as a practice.

“Although individualmembersof churches can be devoted members of various cult groups, that will not be enough to categorise such church as being wholly involved in cultism activities.

“Then, on the issue of syncretism or syncretic beliefs in the Nigerian church, a lot has been said andalsoisbeingsaidaboutit. Ithascometogrowas aphenomenonandassuchneedsdiscreetattention.

“Syncretism is simply the idea of inappropriate or undue adaptation or blending of non-Christian religious ideas or practices with Christian faith.

“It is also the watering down or there placement or dilution of the essential truths of the gospel through the incorporation of non-Christian elements.


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