By Oguns Sammy, Warri Following the rising and frequent cases of kidnapping, rape and criminal activities of bandits and other insurgencies in the country, a renowned...
By Sunday Egede Delta State Government (DTSG), on Wednesday evening, received its share of 85,700 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from the federal government. The Allied...
… Demand Justice For Victims By Matthew Ogune, Abuja THE Centre for Citizen’s with Disabilities (CCD) have urged the federal government to speedily investigate the increasing...
By Matthew Ogune, Abuja Persons Living With Disabilities (PWDs) under the auspices of Centre for Citizen’s with Disabilities (CCD) yesterday confronted the federal government to request...
The Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Sunday Dare, has pledged the federal government’s support for the bid of the President of the Nigeria Football Federation,...