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Sapele Constituency: TAJ Promises An-All Inclusive Government If Voted In As DTHA Member 




The Delta State House of Assembly Candidate under the Democratic Peoples Party, DPP, Sapele Constituency, Barr Tuedor Akpewve Jackson, popularly called TAJ, has said the reason why he resorted to a fund raising ceremony to support his campaign was because in saner climes this was done, assuring the people of Sapele that if voted into power in next year’s general elections, everyone would in the area would enjoy a sense of belonging during his tenure.

TAJ who was addressing VIPs , captain of industries, politicians, clergymen and party faithful who turned out en masse for the event at SP24 events Center in Sapele, Delta State, for his campaign fundraising programme said: “because your money is involved, you are involved too and you are part of the those that will make decisions if I emerge.

“You demand to know if things are not done properly. You partake in decisions. It will be an open office that has not been seen before. That is why we are saying this is our project, your project, Sapele Project.”

Continuing, the erudite lawyer said the project was for the youth, and that was why the project has been tagged “Youth Takeover”, before going on to unfold his plans prior to next year’s elections.

He added: “We will go to the rural areas to campaign; we will organise football matches to encompass the whole wards, do medical treatment, empowerment and because we want you to fish for yourself, part of our plan is to bring a solar energy expatriate to teach us how to build a solar energy and maintain it for two days. We also would bring a hairstylist from the United States of America who will teach the women and young girls how to make wigs. We will do things differently for you because you have a stake in this government”

The fundraising ceremony was preceded by a handing over ceremony on Friday where a certificate of return was presented to the jurist by the Delta State, DPP, Party Chairman, Hon Abel Ejiro Okpegwa, while on Saturday, the first of its kind mega rally was held with over 7,000 persons decamping from the All Progressive Congress, APC, and the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, to the Democratic Peoples Party, DPP.



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