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OPINION: The Hunter Realized The Foundation Of The Journey & Returned Home



OPINION: The Hunter Realized The Foundation Of The Journey & Returned Home

Politics is a game of interests they say, and in politics, there are no permanent enemies but permanent interests that binds all.

It is not a fluke that the immediate past Governor of Bayelsa state and Senator representing Bayelsa West, supporters and other leaders in the state were not happy with the way and manner Governor Douye Diri, handled the affairs of the Peoples Democratic Party.

Diri tampered with the existing political structure in the state that worked hard to produce him, evidenced by the widespread and threatening decampings of key members of the party during the assembly primaries last year and currently, the shift of many to the All Progressives Congress.

It’s no news that Diri had been having sleepless nights, finding it difficult to provide workable answers to the consistent questions that the opposition party, the APC that throws at him concerning the subject of discord between him and his benefactor, is also true.

Most PDP faithfuls have expressed fear at the silence of the Ofurumapepe all through Diri’s administration, and we reliably gathered that in very many informal ways, leaders and party faithfuls have reached out to him not to abandon Diri as a result of his unethical manner.

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The rally at the country home of the Ofuruma-Pepe, Toru-Orua community has however, finally put an end to all the unanswered questions that lingered for a very long time.

Dickson speaking mostly in deep parables suggested that the prodigal son (Diri) has returned, and as a father and leader, his duty is to accept him regardless of his many shortcomings.

The Senator appealed to the mammoth crowd as one effecting huge withdrawals from his ever green goodwill account to present Diri and his deputy as the chosen ones.

This action has however, put many opposing voices to rest, including political activities in the state, and has given the PDP the needed boost and confidence to face the war ahead (gubernatorial election) on the ballot.

Diri indeed showed disloyalty, betrayal and ingratitude, but seem to have retraced his steps because of his interest for a second term, and being aware that the battle ahead requires much more than a few years of experience in governance.

The general perception is that Diri will change again and do worse than he did this time around if he wins since nothing will be at stake anymore. Like the many examples from other states, he will fight his predecessor, work hard to destroy his political grip in the state and unseat him from his exalted political position.

This is what is expected, and hope the senator understands that this is what he just publicly endorsed, and should be ready to face the outcome when Diri assumes office for second term in office as governor.

However, let time disprove this, but the probability of this forecast coming to pass is almost certain except Diri truly has turned a new leaf this time around as he claimed while giving a speech at the country home of his predecessor, Toru-Orua community.


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