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Open Letter

Open Letter To Tinubu: Ignore Advice By IMF To Scrap Electricity Subsidy



President Tinubu On Top Of Domestic Situation, Atiku's Statement Reckless --Presidency

Your Excellency,
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu,

We all support the removal of fuel subsidy because apart from the fact that some powerful cabals were making free billions from it everyday without importing a litre, we were also feeding five neighbouring countries with it. We did this until we started borrowing money to pay for subsidy and we were no doubt heading for national bankruptcy. Our case would have been worse than that of Greece and Venezuela if it was not removed.

Now, the International Monetary Fund is advising that subsidy on electricity should be removed too. This, some of us will never support at least for now. We can not claim that any neighbouring country is benefitting from power supply in Nigeria because they are not. Two, we can not say that some individuals are getting paid for power not generated, transmitted and distributed and if that is happening, let government look into it and fix the problem and for once bring the economic saboteurs to book.

A developing country can never grow if the poor population is not supported in any way by government. Our public education system is still one of the cheapest in the world and I applaud that but for industrial growth and economic development, electricity must continue to be subsidised especially when it is not in adequate supply. Where do they work when they graduate if very high cost of production sends manufacturers away from Nigeria? Job creation must be a priority and anything that will hamper it must not be allowed.

Do not listen to everything the IMF say because ti idi ba baje tan, to nidi ni ‘da – if the buttocks get spoilt, it is the owner alone that will suffer it.

I saw a newspaper headline where that same IMF advised your government to find solution to the way poverty is rising in Nigeria yet they still, with the other side of same mouth, advise you to remove subsidy on electricity.

Do not allow them cause social unrest that will have the support of the majority of the Nigerian people.

Do not listen to local IMF too. Some of them are mere praise singers. They do this only to curry favour from your government alone. They do not truly love you.

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Akanbi, the people must benefit something for being citizens and so despite the hardship being faced, every sincere and reasonable Nigerian still support the removal of fuel subsidy but let it not be extended to electricity except we want all our factories to close down and create more unemployment and create more crimes and criminals with our own hands.

This is my message today.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, formerly called Amoda Ogunlere by social media miscreants, you will not fail. You shall succeed over the Forex cabal too. A lot of mess to clean up. You will prevail.



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