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Jerry Savelle: My Best Friend Has Transitioned Into Heaven –Jesse Duplantis



Jerry Savelle: My Best Friend Has Transitioned Into Heaven --Jesse Duplantis

By Daniel Dafe

Televangelist Jesse Duplantis, has reacted to the death of his friend, Jerry Savelle, who passed on on Monday at 77.

In a post on X late Monday, Duplantis wrote: “I’d like to make an announcement that my best friend, a man of God, a true general of the Lord, Dr. Jerry Savelle has transitioned into Heaven. What a blessing of God he was! I considered him my personal brother. We were so close that you couldn’t put a razor blade between us. We talked and had such wonderful times together about the Word of God, about fellowship, and riding motorcycles—you name it, we did it as two true blood brothers. What I can say is that God has gained a phenomenal man in the eternity of eternities. He’s such a blessing of the Lord.”

He continued: “Yes, we miss him, but we will not grieve because Jesus bore our grief and took our sorrow. That’s what Jerry Savelle would say! And I will say this: I will miss him and I will think of him every day that I’m on this planet. Oh, Lord. Thank You, Lord, that You put Jerry Savelle in my life. He was my friend, he was my preaching buddy—we were all buddies together—but, above all, he was a true brother to me. We will miss him, but like I said, we will not grieve because we stay with the Word. We know what the Word says about this.”

He added: “So, Jerry, if you can hear this, Congratulations! You are now in the great presence of God Almighty. So, get everybody ready, and do the work that you’re going to do in the eternity of eternities. Love you, brother! See you soon. – Jesse.”

Many Christian leaders have since taken to the social media to celebrate the life and times of the late cleric.


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