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ASUU-FUPRE Expresses Concern Over FG’s Neglect Of Varsity Lecturers, Urges Adoption Of Nimi Briggs Committee Report



ASUU-FUPRE Expresses Concern Over FG's Neglect Of Varsity Lecturers, Urges Adoption Of Nimi Briggs Committee Report

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE) Branch, has highlighted its growing concerns over the continued neglect of the demands of university lecturers by the Federal Government.

The union has specifically emphasized the urgent need for the adoption of the Nimi Briggs Committee draft report.

Speaking on behalf of the ASUU FUPRE Branch, Comrade Wilfred Okologume, the Branch Chairperson, emphasized that the persistent disregard for the welfare and professional development of university lecturers in Nigeria is deeply troubling.

The government’s failure to address the longstanding issues raised by the union, particularly regarding the adoption of the Nimi Briggs Committee draft report, has led to an escalating sense of dissatisfaction within the academic community.

Comrade Okologume stressed that the failure to adopt the Nimi Briggs Committee draft report, which contains critical recommendations for addressing the challenges facing university lecturers, is hindering the advancement of the education sector in Nigeria.

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The union firmly believes that implementing the Nimi Briggs Committee recommendations is essential to ensuring university lecturers’ welfare and professional growth, which are vital components of sustainable academic excellence.

ASUU FUPRE Branch reiterated its strong commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of university lecturers, underscoring the significant impact of the government’s neglect on the quality of education and research output in Nigerian universities.

The union emphasized that the implementation of the Nimi Briggs Committee draft report is indispensable for fostering a conducive and rewarding academic environment.

In light of these developments, the ASUU FUPRE Branch appealled to the Federal Government to prioritize adopting and implementing the Nimi Briggs Committee draft report, thus demonstrating its unwavering commitment to advancing the nation’s higher education sector.


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