Senator Prince Ned Munir Nwoko, a distinguished advocate for Pan-African unity, and his wife, renowned actress Regina Daniels, were warmly received by an enthusiastic crowd in...
The General Overseer of Holy Ghost Christian Centre, Pastor Amos Fenwa, has lost his wife, Pastor Esther Oluyemisi. She was 57. Fenwa was happily married to...
Juventus midfielder, Paul Pogba, and his wife, Zulay, have welcomed their third child. The footballer shared the news and pictures of himself, his wife and the...
A judge at The Central Criminal Court, also known as the Old Bailey, has sentenced former Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu, his wife Beatrice and Doctor...
A farmer identified as Friday Omosigho has committed suicide after using a machete to attack his wife over alleged infidelity in Benin City, Edo state. New...