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(Video): Woman Shot As Pro-Trump Supporters Breach Capitol Building



An unidentified woman was shot by a law enforcement agent on Wednesday as pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol Building.

The Capitol Building is the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.

Congress met on Wednesday to certify the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden.

The session was interrupted, however, by the violence and the House went on recess with members of Congress, including Vice President Mike Pence, being led to safety.

ALSO READ: Capitol Breached By Trump Protesters, Shots Fired Inside

Tayler Hansen, an independent journalist who said the incident occurred right beside him, shared a video of the incident on Twitter.

“A young woman was just shot in the neck right besides me in the Capitol Building,” Hansen said in his caption of the video.

The video shows the young woman going down seconds after a shot was fired into the crowd of protesters from behind a locked Capitol door.

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