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South Africa Considers New Law To Allow Women Marry More Than One Husband



The human race it seems, is bent on overthrowing every law that God the creator has laid down to govern man in his earthly life.
From same-sex marriages to the transgender movement, the world seems bent on rebelling against it’s Creator at every chance it gets.

But it seems we have not seen the end of it, as the human race continues it’s downward slide into the abyss of immorality.

South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs has proposed a new law that will allow women to marry more than one husband, in the same way that polygamous men are allowed to marry more than one wife.

A 67-page policy document, otherwise known as the Green Paper on Marriages, argues that the current marriage act does not promote equality.

The document insists that current marriage legislation is ‘discriminatory’, as it does not recognise Hindu, Rastafarian, Muslim and Jewish marriages. It also called for polyandry (woman with more than one husband) to be legally recognised as a form of marriage.

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The Green Paper thus proposed three new types of marriages to be included in the already existing marriage laws, adding that it would bring equality.

South Africa’s Ministry for Home Affairs seems to strongly favour the option of gender-neutral marriages that allow both Polygamy and Polyandry. It wrote:

The Ministry did note however that the proposed option for Polyandry has met with some stiff opposition, as it was unpopular especially among traditional leaders who voiced out their displeasure, stating that a woman being married to more than one husband is an unacceptable practice, alien to the African origin.

The document went further to say;

Souh Africans have been given till the end of June to discuss on the issue and decide on the proposed laws.


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