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APC State Chairmen Reinstate Confidence In Buni’s CECPC




State chairmen of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) have said they will resist any attempt to derail the current party leadership under governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe state from actualising its objectives.

The state leaders of APC said they have “resolved that any sponsor of crisis in our party should desist from that because the State Chairmen resolve that they will not tolerate such sponsorship and if we know we will do the needful in our various states before the national will hear about it.”

Addressing a press conference Thursday at the national secretariat of APC, spokesman of the state chairmen forum, Prophet Jones Ode Erue, urged the APC Caretaker/Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee to concentrate on its assignment.

“So, we stand by the Constitutionality of our party, we stand with the leadership of his Excellency Mai Mala Buni and we will continue to give hand of fellowship, we will continue to give the backing needed, we will continue to fight in the trenches with you, we will continue to call it our party.

“We want to say that our party, the All Progressives Congress is greater than any individual, therefore, its existence is paramount to us and we are not going to mortgage it for any reason. We are not going to destroy our APC for any reason. Therefore, we State Chairmen resolve and we stand resolved that we stand with the leadership of our great party under the leadership of his Excellency, Mai Mala Buni.

“We are not in military regime, we operate a constitution. Therefore, anybody in whatever form they come to challenge the corporate existence of our party we State Chairmen resolve we will stand against such force no matter who is behind the force because this is our party we have no other party apart from APC.

“We want the leadership of the party to know and get rest assured that we are with them in this, the unison of our party so that our party will move from strength to strength no matter what it is. And the issue of any group of person thinking they can just hang up anywhere and arrogate power to themselves and say we dethrone, we enthrone, we scatter, we discatter, we State Chairmen resolve that the national leadership should know that this is an issue we will ruthlessly deal with in our various States.”

While assuring the Buni’s CECPC of total support, Prophet Erue said the forum admired its courage in the face of all that was happening and “we pray God to continue to give you the stamina to stir us to the point of victory in all our endeavors as a party.

“Sir, this party is the only hope we have and we are not prepared to give it out to anybody whether individual or group in the name of anything than the purpose for which this party was created.
Because of what we heard that some people are saying that they now own our party, they have taken over party, there’s a coup detat, I don’t know where constitutionality was thrown overboard and the people who are doing it are not members of our party because they are not known to us and if they are known, they should know the Constitutional way to go about things.”

Also speaking, the APC’s national secretary of the caretaker extraordinary convention planning committee (CECPC) Sen. John James Akpanudoedehe has said Nigerians will not replace APC with a government who will spend the nation’s resources to buy bressier in 2023.

Senator Akpanudoedehe also went spritual while countering the newly elected Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Iyorchia Ayu’s assertion that APC will break by April 2022, saying that those pronouncements shall “come to nothing.”

“I learnt that the new PDP chairman made a prophecy that we will scatter before April.

“I replied by saying that the Bible says take council together, it shall come to nothing. Speak the word, it will not stand, rather we will be stronger and stronger. Let me send a message to PDP, if we are talking about replacing APC, it can never be you because Nigerians are too intelligent.

ALSO READ: APC Governors Celebrate Buhari At 79, Exppress Hope For Nigeria

“Nigerians will still chose APC. Talk is cheap, even when you sponsor crisis throughout Nigeria, we won all our By-elections. We inherited insurgency and we have dealt with it. As we speak, not one inch of Nigeria’s territory is being taken over by any group. That is why they have turned themselves to criminals. When PDP were in government, they took over everywhere but today, it is different.

“Maybe because the President is not the talking type. I am challenging anyone to show me any social intervention programme better than this government. People are collecting alerts for COVID-19 palliative. Youths, women, civil servants are collecting it.

“If you have a minister who served under that government and the Minister bought a bressier worth 1 million, we cannot replace APC with bressier government. We just got another information that another account has been discovered,” he said.


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