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DELSU: More Visibility Of The Faculty Of Education, A Priority To Me – Prof. Ugoji



DELSU: More Visibility Of The Faculty Of Education, A Priority To Me – Prof. Ugorji

By Daniel Dafe

The newly elected and first female Dean of the Faculty of Education, Delta State University, DELSU, Abraka, Professor (Mrs.) Florence Ngozi Ugoji, has said that she will work on improving the visibility of the faculty during her tenure.

Prof. Ugoji who emerged as the new and first female Dean in the just concluded faculty of Education Deanship election, further said that she will work on implementing effective strategies that will promote and project the Faculty of Education.

Speaking to Oasis Magazine exclusively, Prof.Ugoji stated that she decided to run for the office because of her interest in improving on the achievements of the present and previous Deans of faculty of Education.

Ugoji, a former Associate Dean in the faculty, and the current Director of SIWES said with the support of the then Dean, she achieved a lot when she held the said office some years back.

“I worked under the late Prof. Patrick Enamiroro Oghuvwu as Associate Dean of the faculty. We achieved a lot in the faculty. So, I wanted to step into his shoes when his tenure expired to continue from where he stopped, but because a senior colleague indicated interest at that time I decided to let go. But this time around, I felt I should come on-board to actualise some of my dreams for the faculty particularly  in the areas of staff and students/staff relationship, improving the academic excellence through the vision and mission of our Amiable Vice Chancellor, Prof Andy Ogochukwu Egwuyenga and trying as much as possible to encourage the young colleagues who are working hard to make a positive impact and contribute to the continuous development of the faculty. You know, this will come in the area of helping them in research and activating regular interaction with management in terms of the needs of the faculty, pushing it forward, since we now have a Vice Chancellor who is a man of the people with a listening ear and is very interested in improving the Delta State University, Abraka, from what it used to be to what we are all enjoying now,” she said.

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She continued: “Some of the young ones need to be encouraged through journal articles publications by giving them information about where they can publish and this will encourage them in their academic pursuit by ensuring their regular promotion. This is welfare which is one of my campaign promises”

Women And Men Should Be Given Equal Opportunity

In her words: “This is the first time a female is coming on-board as Dean of the Faculty since 1992, and this is very encouraging as it gives women an equal opportunity to also make positive contributions and to empower others. Currently in the administration of Prof Andy Ogochukwu Egwuyenga, the University now have the first female registrar, first female bursar, first female Dean in Faculty of Law, Now first female Dean Faculty of Education. So, my message is that everyone should be given equal opportunity.”

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As a way of advice, she said further: “The faculty is like a family and the Faculty of Education seems to be the largest or biggest faculty in the university and people look up to us as the leading faculty. Every faculty member should be seen to be working collaboratively for more positive results. In all that we do, we should be seen to be doing the right thing; we are pacesetters as such we should take the lead while others follow.

“I use this medium to once again thank all those who made this victory come through. May God bless you all
Long Live Faculty of Education
Long Live Delta State University
Long Live the University Community
Long Live Nigeria.”


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