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Ukwuani Musician, Songwriter, KC Ottah, Is Dead



Ukwuani Musician, Songwriter, KC Ottah, Is Dead

By Daniel Dafe

A young Ukwuani musician and songwriter from Ezhionum kingdom in Ukwuani Local Government Area of Delta State, KC Ottah, is dead.

He is said to have died on Monday night.

According to sources, the young Ukwuani musician known for his sonorous voice and music style reminiscent of Prince Smart Williams, passed away last night after an accident he and his musical colleagues were involved in while returning from an outing. He is said to have fallen into a river.

Oasis Magazine learnt that instead of taking him to the hospital for a medical examination, they took him to his house and left him there since he did not have any physical injuries.

The source said: “Since he lived alone, it wasn’t until the next day that his neighbors noticed he was bleeding from his ear, indicating an internal injury. His relatives were then contacted to take him to the hospital, but sadly, he did not survive.

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Another account said that he was taken to one of the hospital around and showed no improvement after several days, saying that he was then referred to Delta State Teaching Hospital, Oghara.

Adding: “Unfortunately, his aged and impoverished mother did not have the money to take him to the hospital, and his friends and relatives did not show up for him.”

The said source said he passed away at his mother’s house because there was no money to take him to the hospital.
Admirers of the Ife Osiso Crooner have since taken to the social media to mourn his death.


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