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Ethiope Delta Baptist Conference: I’ll Focus On Evangelism, Empowerment Of Women, Youths—Rev. Ejobee (INTERVIEW)



Ethiope Delta Baptist Conference: I Will Focus On Evangelism, Empowerment Of Women, Youths—Rev. Ejobee (INTERVIEW)

Reverend Dr. Friday Aghogho Robinson Ejobee is the new Conference President of the Ethiope Delta Baptist Conference. His induction service held on Sunday in Sapele.

The cleric spoke briefly to Oasis Magazine after he was installed on his mission and other related issues.

Read on-

Let’s meet you.

My name is Reverend Dr. Friday Aghogho Robinson Ejobee.

Something just took place now, what will you say that is?

It is the formal induction of my humble self as the President of the Ethiope Delta Baptist Conference. It is one special service that we treasure in our denomination. It is the kind of thing we call installation or enthronement into office and that is what we have witnessed today.

Okay sir, you just promised not to disappoint those that reposed confidence in you and that you won’t disappoint them for giving you this mandate. What is your mission? 

By the grace of God, our focus as a denomination is on evangelism. I will continue to give that the premium place it deserves; reaching out and then how we can empower our women and youths. I have done that as the Director of Education, Youth and Women Development in CAN before. We used those privileges we had then to attract some support, skill acquisition and employment to some of our teeming youths who are out there without job and it helped a great deal and we look forward to using this platform that God has given to us and the connection we have with the government to impact their lives when the opportunity avails itself.

Do you have any special words for any group of persons as you take over as Conference President?

Yes, like I said before, our mission as a denomination is evangelism. We want everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Christ and that will be something we pursue with all the zest at our arsenal to ensure that we reach out to the unsaved and bring them to Christ. But at the same time, we want to speak to some prevailing situations we see in our churches today that are at variance with the tenets of Scriptures and when we see some of those things we shall address headlong to ensure that the sanctity of the pulpit is maintained not just in the Baptist denomination but in Christendom as in general. As an officer of CAN in Delta State we shall pursue that as well.

Looking at the area that you cover, are there certain challenges that you are already envisaging you are going to deal with?

Definitely a number of them; time will fail me to reel out my vision. It’s so enormous that we have to publish it in a book form. The vision we have for our conference and it cuts across all strata and we are trusting God that God helping us we will implement them within the limit of available resources to impact life, to make a difference; a positive difference for that matter in this office. If you look at this structure, it is massive, and then a lot of things need to be done to make it look like the secretariat complex of the Baptist that it is and we shall pursue that. We have a landed property at Oghara that we want to develop as a conference center. We shall work on all of those. we want to add aesthetic value to this entire premises that when you enter here you will truly feel not just the spiritual glory of God but the physical glory that we should see in a complex that belongs to God for that matter.

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In terms of legacy, what is that one legacy you will like to leave behind?

The legacy of transparency, accountability and of leading the people of God under His own leadership. I will not do anything of my own without asking of him and I trust that he will always be available for me. Just as he has done in time past, including my services at DELSU that I just ended with a track record of success and I know that same God will grant me enabling grace to do even more here as the leader of the Baptist in Ethiope Delta Baptist Conference.


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