A top commander of the notorious Boko Haram terrorist group, Isah Jafaru, also known as “Nabida”, has been arrested in Ekiti State, Western Nigeria. This breakthrough...
In an unprecedented move, Elon Musk, CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has been declared the 2024 Number One Partner of Rhapsody of Realities, a bestselling devotional...
The 2024/2025 pre-season transfer window, which officially closed on August 30, saw several high-profile signings across top football leagues, with notable moves both within and outside...
Rena Wakama, head coach of Nigeria’s women’s basketball team, D’Tigress, has been honored as the best female basketball coach at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The International...
Iran State Television reports the top leader of the Hamas terror group, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated Wednesday morning in Tehran. The announcement came from Iran’s Revolutionary...