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Kuteb Militia Allegely Attacks Hausa Quarters In Takum



Kuteb Militia Allegely Attacks Hausa Quarters In Takum

By Yusuf Salihu Sansani Jalingo.

Hausa Quarters in Takum Taraba State is under attack by suspected Kuteb militia in which many Hausa people were killed.

A resident of the area, Malam Yakubu Sani said the Kuteb militia armed with sophisticated weapons launched attacks on the Hausa quarters early Sunday May 21, 2023.

He said the Hausa did  not provoke any body, group or any tribe in Takum to warrant the attacks by the Kuteb militia.

Yakubu Sani explained that the Hausas were not involved in the crisis between the Fulani and Kuteb in Takum but the Kuteb transfered their aggression on the  law abiding Hausa community in the town.

Yakubu Sani said: “As l am talking to you now the attacks is still going on and no security is  deployed to stop the militia from killing the innocent Hsusa people inside Takum town.”

He stated that the militia
killed thirteen Hausa travellers along Takum- Maraba, Takum- Kashimbila and Takum- Katsina-Ala roads within the last few days.

He called on the Federal and Taraba State Governments to as a matter of urgency deploy soldiers and police to save the Hausa community from extinction.

Another indigene of Takum who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the genesis of the current crisis is that two butchers were killed about a week ago along Takum- Kashimbilla road and the butchers instead of taking the issue lawfully went for a reprasal attack along the road where they met the Kuteb tribe and pounded on them and the Kuteb people reinforced came to Takum toe and just started killing the Hausa people in the area who have no conection in any way with the attack by the butchers on them.

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He further noted that the problem between the Kuteb and the Hausa in Takum is a long time issue because in the past the Hausa people in Takum have been aligning with the Kuteb in all their crises with the other tribes particularly the Jukun but they reslized that their aliance with the Kuteb has no benefit and decided to tilt towards the Jukuns and for this reason the Kuteb were not happy and looking for a slightest opportunity to turn their asenals towards their former allies the Hausas which has been provided by the present circumstances.

He maintained that any figure of casualty provided from any quarter at the moment is vegue because many of the Hausa people have ran for their dear lives they don’t even know where many of their people are while many have been killed the number which they are yet to acertained.

“We are still looking for our people who ran into the jungle for their dear lives we don’t even know where they are at the Moment we don’t know whether they are alive or not we cannot give an exact figure but the casualty is High”.

When contacted over the alleged attacks by the Kuteb Militia on the Hausa Community in Takum, the National president of Kuteb Association, Mr Emmanuel Ukwen said: “I am not in Takum town and and will not know what is exactly happening there, l am in Jalingo now and l dont know what is happening there. l am not in the real picture but I will find out what is happening.”

Ukwen however confirmed that the crisis in Takum is not only between the Kuteb and the Hausa people but it affects all the other tribes in the town.

Police Public Relation’s Officer PPRO in Taraba State, SP Usman Abdullahi confirmed that two Hausa people were initially killed in Takum town and the Hausas revolted against the killings and that was what ignited this new crisis.

He further stated that already, soldiers and squadron police have been drafted to Takum town to control the situation.

As of the time of filing this report on Monday morning, gunshots were still heard in Takum town.


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