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The Odus Consecrated As Bishops In Warri




By Ambrose Ologide

It was a day of glory for Reverend Paulson Danebey Odu and his angelic wife Reverend ( Mrs ) Igho Rheghawha Odu of Amazing Grace Living Church Incorporated as they were consecrated as bishops at the church in Okurode (Ekurede Urhobo)nAgbarha Warri, Warri South Local Government Area on Saturday, 27th April, 2024

The Odus Consecrated As Bishops In Warri

The ceremony was officiated by the International President of Renaissance College of Bishops, Nigeria and overseas, His Grace Most Reverend Dr V . E Arikoro ( JP ).

The historic event also witnessed the enthronement of the couple and conferment of honunorary doctorate degrees of doctor of divinity by Christ Restoration University, Maryland, USA.

The legal proceedings of the consecration of the couple was performed by Victory Ukeredi, a lawyer shortly before the consecration.

The 2nd Vice President of Renaissance College of Bishops , Rt Rev Oroh Iteheri ( JP) preached on the sermon: ‘ I am needed ‘ from 1 Samuel Chapter 9 verse 6- 8.

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Bishop Paulson Odu who spoke on behalf of his wife, thanked God for the honour bestowed on them and expressed appreciation to those who contributed to the huge success of the event.

Bishop Dr Paulson Odu who spoke to newsmen shortly after the event , stated that his elevation to the exalted spiritual position was a privilege and call to do good things .

He also advised leaders of churches not to play politics in church and to give everybody the opportunity to grow in the kingdom of God.
High point of the event was the consecration of the couple by his Grace Most Reverend Dr V . E Arikoro ( JP ).

The event was richly graced by a galaxy of bishops and other distinguished clerics and guests from Delta State and other parts of the country some of whom presented gifts items to the newly concencrated bishops .


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