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HoRs Members From Anambra Visit Soludo, Laud Governor, Seek Greater Partnership



HoRs Members From Anambra Visit Soludo, Laud Governor, Seek Greater Partnership

By Titus Chigozie

Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR has recieved the Anambra Caucus of the House of Representatives.

The Governor recieved the delegation led by the members representing Ogbaru Federal Constituency, Hon Victor Afam Ogene, at the Governor’s Lodge, Amawbia.

Hon. Afam Ogene appreciated the Governor on his developmental strides in Anambra in various sectors of the state economy including roads infrastructure, health, education, among others.

The delegation specifically applauded the Governor for his resolve and attendant action to build a new Anambra government House and lodge, which has been abandoned for thirty three years

They expressed their readiness to jointly pursue projects at the centre that will benefit ndi Anambra, applaud the Governor on the massive regeneration going on in Anambra House in Abuja.

Hon. Chinwe Gwacham appreciated the Governor for running an inclusive administration, with specific mention of the appointment of women in his administration, while the member representing Awka North and South Federal Constituency, Hon. Orogbu and the member representing Orumba North and South Federal Constituency, Princess Chinwe Nnabuife echoed the same and also informed the Governor that out of 14 women members of the House of Representatives, 3 are from Anambra, demonstrating the Governor’s support for gender balance.

The delegation collectively agreed that Governor Soludo is performing marvelously well and based on his work, he will be returned overwhelmingly.

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While re-echoing this, the member representing Ihiala Federal Constituency, Dr. Paschal Agbodike charged his colleagues to try to attract at least one capital project to the state.

They individually thanked the governor for the projects and other infrastructural revolution going on in their respective constituencies, including the Mmiata completed road project, among others, requesting for more.

In response, Governor Soludo thanked them for initiating the meeting and reminded them that he had held a similar meeting with the last assembly before he was sworn in.

The Governor extended the same hands of fellowship to join in rebuilding the home land, assuring to continue to deepen the strategic relationship among all especially in the areas of infrastructural partnership and development because Anambra is “one people, one state, one agenda”.

The delegation include; Hon Peter Aniekwe – Rep Anambra East/ West; Hon Lilian Obiageli Orogbu – Rep Awka North/South; Hon Dr. Paschal Agbodike; Rep Ihiala; Hon Peter Uzokwe, Rep-Nnewi North/S/Ekwusigo; Hon Emeka Idu Obiajulu, Rep- Onitsha North/Soutj; Hon Nnabife Chinwe Clara, Rep- Orumba North/South; Hon Gwacham Maureen Chinwe; Rep- Oyi/Anyamelum; Hon Dominic Henry Okafor; Rep- Aguata


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