DC-23 Screening Committee Inauguration: Questions And More Questions

On what Constitutional provision is the DC 2023 Group acting to decide which Urhobo governs Delta State in 2023?
Is Amori now a pseudo INEC official who is the new “sheriff” that screens candidates for elective positions?
Why would thoughtless citizens submit themselves for screening before a personality of Amori’s stinking status?
Are Urhobos so poor with history that they forget the recent past so soon?
The setting up recently of a supposed screening committee with the publicized mission of pruning down the number of aspirants of Urhobo on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for the governorship race in 2023 leaves more questions than answers, and subtly reveals to discerning minds the sinister motive behind the setting up of the group.
The first question that naturally throws itself up is the constitutional basis for the appropriation of the new role of Screening Organization by the group.
In any democratic system, there are primary elections conducted by political parties on the basis of which candidates emerge as flag bearers of those parties. The parties have constitutional powers for those functions.
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The electoral umpire on her part is constitutionally empowered to conduct elections competed by various parties.
The Amori-led DC 2023 appears not to understand this. They have arrogated to themselves powers reserved for the government, and they seem condemned in unwavering resolve to toe this path of self-destruction.
Amori, despite his very ugly and stinking antecedents now carries himself about as a pseudo INEC Chairman, setting up screening committees and swearing people in.
This is the same manner he carried on with his Urhobo Political Forum (UPF) before the 2007 gubernatorial election, deceiving the likes of Senator Pius Ehwerido that he possesses the magic wand to deliver one of them as Delta governor in 2007.
His strategy was to convince them to shift allegiance from the historic Mukoro Mowoe founded Urhobo Progress Union (UPU) to his Urhobo Political Forum (UPF) as the new kingmaker to be courted. The rest is history. Till date, Urhobo in general, and the UPU in particular have not recovered from the cesspit that Amori-induced tremor condemned them to.
I am even more concerned at the “thoughtless” citizens who submitted themselves to be “sworn in” as Committee members by Amori.
It is high time some of these academic professors and titled errand boys look themselves in the mirror and reminisce on what kind of history they would wish to be remembered for.
A question we must now begin to ask is who bankrolls the group? How does it meet its operational cost? Of what political or economic interest is the sponsorship of the group to its secret sponsor or sponsors?
Is it Ibori group? Is it the PDP state body? Is it the UPU? Is it the 14 or so candidates? Is it Amori’s defunct UPF? It is high time the Amori-led DC 2023 told us who their sponsors are and the terms of the deal.
Lastly, I am in awe at the poor sense of history displayed by Urhobo people. I am concerned that the Urhobo Progress Union who has been the greatest victim of Amori’s nefarious activities in Urhobo land could not learn from her bitter experience in 2005-2007 under the same character.
The least I had expected from the leadership of the UPU was to either ban the group outrightly once the name of Amori popped up as its head; or distance itself from it in a signed publication, and encourage all well-meaning citizens to do same. Instead the UPU has remained as mute and docile as Amori left it in 2007.
Amori and his DC 2023 led cohorts must realise that everyone cannot be fooled all of the time. Some of us are experienced enough to read in-between the lines and to see through the sinister missions of questionable associations such as Amori’s DC 2023.
_Zik Gbemre
October 28, 2021