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DELSU VC Underscores Alumni Role In Universities, Lauds Alumni Awardees



DELSU VC Underscores Alumni Role In Universities, Lauds Alumni Awardees

By Ben Nwanne

The Vice-Chancellor of Delta State University, Abraka, Professor Andy Egwunyenga has articulated the important role of the Alumni Association in a University, describing it as an index for measuring the maturity of any University.

Professor Egwunyenga who yesterday declared open the DELSU Alumni Day Events which featured among other things Lecture and Awards to distinguished Alumni, observed that the University was proud to have reached a stage where a day could be set aside for Alumni activities, adding that the Alumni Association was the first support base of the University, its chief marketer, its international ambassador and the image maker of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor, a former Rector of the Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku commended the Alumni Association for its choice of Awardees whom he described as “great, respectable and enviable”.

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Delivering the Alumni lecture, entitled, “ *Overcoming the Challenges of Career Development among Delta State University Graduates* ”, a well known Public Speaker and Entrepreneur extraodinaire, Dr. Charles Apoki stated that any graduate of Delta State University who did not do well should blame himself or herself as the University has provided the knowledge and skills needed for success.

He used himself as an example.

“I am indebted to DELSU where I took an MPA degree and emerged as the best graduating student”, he stated.

“DELSU taught me confidence in quoting myself”.

He described a career as an activity that takes one’s time, energy and commitment, adding that a Career should yield revenue, respect, responsibility and reputation and enable a person to appreciate the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

As far as the University of Ibadan-trained Medical Doctor is concerned, Career Development is all about self improvement, not necessarily the acquisition of certificates.

He described a depressed economy as one that has remained without growth for years, but added that it would not continue to be like that.

Dr. Apoki insisted that a certificate is not a sentence, urging young graduates to be hard-working, dynamic and forward-looking.

Dr. Apoki who left medical practice after 15 years to venture into entrepreneurship, advised graduates to conduct themselves well and be observant wherever they are to be able to replicate in future what they admire today.

As he put it, “steal with your eyes!”.

Essentially, the articulate Dr. Apoki who runs a weekly Radio Programme *“Word and Wisdom Time* ”, advised graduates to always leverage on the responsibility assigned to them, make themselves visible on the internet which he said, does not sleep, value themselves, dare to work alone and dare to follow their dreams.

In his welcome address, the National President of the Delta State University Alumni Association, Alumnus Joseph Igbuwe traced the history of the Association to 1994 when it was inaugurated.

He identified three cardinal objectives of Alumni Associations all over the world to include projection of the good image as well as visibility of the University, intervention in times of challenges facing the University and resources mobilization to augment the budget of the University in respect of improving learning, teaching, research and development and community services.

Mr. Igbuwe explained that in order to have a more viable Association, the present Executive Council had created a healthy atmosphere for an all-inclusive government of Alumni affairs, unlike the previous Administrations.

He informed the gathering that the Association “is embarking on the renovation of the University Health Centre to take off that load from the lean resources of the University”.

While commending the University Management for its gallant efforts at improving the University on all fronts, the No.1 DELSU Alumnus appealed to the University Management to look into “the issue of delay in handling our transcripts” and to “review our certificate collection rates:”.

Highlight of the occasion was the conferment of Awards of Outstanding Alumni of Delta State University to five Nigerians of high achievement.

They are: Michael Jonathan Numa (SAN), Professor (Mrs.) Mary Agbogidi, Professor Ochuko Anomohanran, Hon. Charles Emetulu and Mr. Edwin Ogidi Gbegbaje.

Barrister Numa (SAN), graduated from the Faculty of Law of Delta State University in 2008 and was called to the Nigerian Bar Association in 2010.

He began his glorious career in Law with the position of Managing Partner at Karina Tunyan and Company, an Abuja Law firm and in 2021 founded M.J. Numa and Partners Law firm.

He has had a brilliant law practice for 13 years and got to the pinnacle of his career as he was conferred with the Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) in 2022, becoming the youngest SAN at the age of 37.

Professor (Mrs.) Mary Agbogidi is distinguished in her own right. She obtained a First Class Degree in Biology/Education in 1992, winning an array of prizes from the Head of Department, Dean and Vice-Chancellor as the best graduating student. She was offered automatic employment as a Graduate Assistant and resumed in 1993 after her National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). She was also the best graduating student for her (M.Sc.) in Botany at the University of Benin. Professor Agbogidi became a full Professor in 2012 at age 41. She is DELSU’s first female graduate to become a Professor in DELSU.

Another outstanding Professor who is also a DELSU Alumnus is the current Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Ochuko Anomohanran, who graduated in Physics/Education in 1990 with a Second Class (Hons), Upper Division. He later obtained an M.Sc. and a Ph.D degrees at Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma in 1996 and 2006 respectively. He has held many positions within and outside the University. He is currently serving a second term as Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at DELSU. He is the first Alumnus to rise to that position in DELSU.

Hon. Charles Emetulu is an accomplished Educationist, Media Practioner, Politician and Administrator. He graduated as a pioneer student of English Education in 1992. Since joining politics in 2000, Hon. Emetulu has served as Publicist, Political Aide, Special Assistant and Executive Assistant to the Governor. He served as First Member, Delta State Education Board, Honourable Commisioner for Energy and later, Commissioner for Higher Education.

Mr. Edwin Ogidi Gbegbaje is a high grade Public Administrator who has a pedigree of a family of bureaucrats as his father, a Medical Doctor was the first Radiologist in the defunct Bendel State and the second in Nigeria. His mother was a social worker who rose through the ranks to become a Permanent Secretary in the defunct Bendel State. Mr. Ogidi Gbegbaje holds a first degree in Political Science and Masters in Industrial and Labour Relations from DELSU (2008). He has served in different Departments of the Delta State Civil Service and he’s currently, the Permanent Secretary, Directorate of Government House and Protocols, Delta State.


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