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Bulletin Launch: Oborevwori, Funkekeme, Okorodudu, Idawene X-ray MORE Agenda 12 Months After 



Bulletin Launch: Oborevwori, Funkekeme, Okorodudu, Idawene X-ray MORE Agenda 12 Months After 

By Barth Ozah

Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta State has lauded the Integrity Group of Delta state for its efforts in promoting his developmental strides as encapsulated on his MORE agenda. 

Bulletin Launch: Oborevwori, Funkekeme, Okorodudu, Idawene X-ray MORE Agenda 12 Months After 

Oborevwori gave the commendation at Unity Hall Government House, Asaba while unveiling the Integrity maiden edition Bulletin, chronicles of the governor’s achievements published by the Integrity Group of Delta state.

Represented by the Senior Political Adviser, Senator Emmanuel Aguariavwodo, the governor commended the Integrity Group of Delta state for their efforts in promoting the achievements of governor Sheriff Oborevwori.

Oborevwori commended the participating schools; Anglican Girls Grammar School, Government Model Secondary School and St Patrick’s College all in Asaba who took turns to discuss the MORE agenda in perspective.  

The Chairman of the event and the Senior Policy Adviser to the Governor, Rt. Hon. Funkekeme Solomon, said it’s a great delight to be given the opportunity to chair the occasion saying we are grateful for identifying with governor Sheriff Oborevwori.

The governor has shown consistency since one year in office and when he came on board, he promised to sustain the development, that is what he has done for bringing Julius Berger for road construction.

“Oborevwori is a promise keeper because he does what he promised, that is consistency,” he pointed. 

ALSO READ: Obelikpeyah To Celebrate Oborevwori’s One Year In Office In A Memorable Way

Keynote Speaker, Chief Ebenezer Okorodudu JP,  Chairman, Delta State Printing and Publishing Corporation (The Pointer Newspapers), acknowledged the Convener of Integrity Group, Dr. Oke Idawene who he said he knew as a young boy, noting; “I am happy he has grown up to be a man”.

“When asked to deliver the keynote address on the chronicles of governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s M. O. R. E. Agenda, I went about the task with the passionate zeal of an ardent follower, a disciple who has been told to give testimonies of the master’s accomplishments. 

“I immediately discovered that this is something I should know how to do best. Firstly, I am someone close to the inner workings of the creator of the M.O.R.E. Agenda based on my position as Political Adviser and later Chief of Staff to then Honourable Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly turned Executive Governor of Delta State, H.E Rt. Hon. (Elder) Sheriff Oborevwori. 

“The other consideration that makes the job at hand much less tedious is the fact that testimonies don’t lie, being passionate disclosure by an informed source on the abundance of evidence to support events which have taken place. This is the case of the M.O.R.E. Agenda, which speaks of commendable development strides in Delta state in the one year of the Oborevwori led administration.”

In a remark, Hon. Ferguson Onwo (KSC) Member (Isoko South II), DTHA, while commending the Integrity Group of Delta state for their giant strides, expressed optimism that giving the display of the participating schools in analysing the MORE agenda, he was confident that governor Oborevwori is on course. 

On his part, the Convener of Integrity Group, Dr. Oke Idawene said shortly after the inauguration of the governor of Delta state on May 29, 2023, few like minds who believe especially in the governor’s ability to deliver good governance to Deltans, came together to collapse their various campaign groups to form Integrity Group of Delta state. 

According to him; “Integrity Group is a socio-political group established with the sole aim of propagating the MORE agenda and You Matter Charity Foundation of governor Sheriff Oborevwori and the pet project of his wife, Tobore — Integrity Group is MORE agenda and You Matter Charity Foundation ambassadors.

“As you know, the four pillars of governor Sheriff Oborevwori campaign policy thrust were christened the MORE agenda which stand for; Meaningful Development, Opportunities for all, Realistic Reforms and Enhanced peace and security of Delta State. 

Explaining further, he pointed out that; “As key players, in politics of Delta state, over the years we have come to the understanding that very few political groups or support groups rarely after inauguration of administration sustain their activities as they did during the campaign and this has created a void. 

“Integrity Group decided to fill that gap through sustain activities, this time to constantly communicate government policies and programmes to the people. This is the sole aim of the Integrity Group of Delta state. To ensure that the implementation of the MORE agenda is communicated to the people. 

“And since after the general elections of 2023 till date, Integrity Group of Delta state has not rested — as far as the MORE agenda and You Matter Charity Foundation is concerned we will not rest in preaching the governor achievements”

He enumerated the key developments of the governor in the MORE agenda, adding that the Integrity Bulletin Launch is a landmark event as the Bulletin is a chronicle of the achievements of the governor. 

“It is a quarterly bulletin which will be showcasing the implementation of the MORE agenda.” He added.

Idawene congratulated the governor, the state legislature and indeed the judiciary for working in synergy which he noted has promoted harmony in the state and  urged the governor to remain focused on his MORE agenda.


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