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Warri South Chairman Partners Navy To Tackle Security Challenges




The Chairman of Warri South LGA, Hon. Michael Tidi, has promised to closely partner with the Nigerian Navy and other security agencies to tackle security challenges.
Hon. Tidi who made the promise in his office during a courtesy call by members of Course 2 of the Naval War College Nigeria (NWCN), Ubima, Port Harcourt, said that the synergy between his office and security agencies has led to the relative peace being enjoyed in the local government area.
The chairman stated that upon his assumptions of office, the coastal communities, along the Warri River had been calm with no violent crimes recorded so far, noting that kidnapping of expatriates, local nationals and sea piracy has been reduced significantly and that doing business on the water ways has become safer.
The Warri South Local Government Chairman expressed sadness over the spate of oil bunkering (oil theft) and illegal refineries that had destroyed the eco-system, saying the acts had made life difficult for the people.
Hon Tidi, further opined, that the already cordial relationship between the local government and the security agencies wiould be maintained and improved upon until the environmental degradation experienced by the people was nipped in the bud and social economic activities enhanced.
Rear Admiral TC Udofia, who led the team, said that the purpose of the visit was to intimate the local government chairman of the state government’s efforts in support of maritime security, educating officers of the Nigerian Navy and sister services, as well as friendly nations, to provide effective leadership and command at the operational level.
In line with the theme of the visit, “Enhancing Socio-Economic Development of Coastal states through collaborative Maritime Security”, the visit availed the participants with first hand information on the activities of other military formations and maritime related agencies within Delta state and the need for synergy with the Nigerian Navy amongst others.
The Warri South Chairman said that with the prevailing financial situation of the council, alot has been achieved with the meagre resources in maintainng peace in the entire council area and will be pleased if findings and observation’s are shared with his office in the course of their tour.


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